
No. No, he's not. What he is is clueless about what the words "poverty" and "human rights violations" actually mean. And so are you, apparently. Sorry to tell you, but having your car repossessed and your house foreclosed on, as awful as those things might be for you, are still first world problems.

This is the first I've heard of this movie not sucking really, really hard. *sigh* I guess I'll have to watch it now.

If someone could do this with all the vanilla scented candles on the planet down at Bikini Atoll, that would be great. It would be quite spectacular, possibly in the gigaton range. I would love to see it, provided I didn't also have to smell it.

It looks like Apple redesigned Johnny 5.

I think I would try to steal an ashtray off their ship and then I would bring it to Neil deGrasse Tyson. That's what Neil said to do, anyway. If all I had were some pictures, I think I wouldn't even bother telling anyone. As Neil points out, the latest versions of Photoshop probably have an "Insert UFO" button. I know

*raises hand* *smiles*

Yes, but we are talking about Christians here. Christ said nothing about homosexuality. In fact, he was pretty big on not judging people at all. The Old Testament should be little more than history for Christians. Christ's sacrifice absolved mankind of Mosaic Law.

When I saw the title I thought, "Of course John Crichton and Aeryn Sun won't make the list, although they should". Sorry I doubted you, Charlie Jane. It won't happen again.

Congratulations, Charlie Jane. It is WELL deserved :)

It depresses me that the subject of human evolution apparently CANNOT be discussed on the internet without some variation of this ridiculous argument occurring.

Brilliant. You really ought to contact these scientists and share with them your suck-to-blow hypothesis.

Looks like it could be the same kid to me.

Indeed. And I should point out, I actually liked the movie for what it was (a Star Trek movie made for people who would never otherwise watch Star Trek) once I got past my initial expectations. I mean, it was actually a pretty good sci-fi action movie. But it was missing the spirit of the original Trek and its

There will always be those pesky comets, though. They can come out of seemingly nowhere, move at ludicrous speeds and, if one happened to approach us from the direction of the sun, we would barely have time to realize what was happening.

"I'd argue that the JJ Abrams Star Trek is more "Star Trek" than the official Star Wars prequel movies were "Star Wars"...."

I love how the cheering starts before there's any evidence that they didn't just watch a man fall to his death.

I agree. The pace of the scene is much, much too fast and feels all wrong. It's pretty obvious that it's a heavily edited scene after the first couple of cuts. If the movie was actually like this it would be incompetent crap and I'm sure that whatever this movie ends up being, it's not going to be incompetent crap.

The second one from the bottom looks like Willem Dafoe. I think it's the creepy smile.

What makes you think it's a she?

All I'm saying is, NOT assuming that the structure built by the zoo was adequate to contain the overly excited lion would not be an unreasonable thing for a parent to think and, in fact, might be rather prudent considering the stakes. Also, I don't think they were "purposely" taunting the lion when they dressed their