Yeah, this just feels like the next step in streaming. Before, if the streamer became popular, they were given perks and ways to continue to grow their audience beyond RandoGamer15 who just logged into twitch whenever they turned their PS4 on.
Yeah, this just feels like the next step in streaming. Before, if the streamer became popular, they were given perks and ways to continue to grow their audience beyond RandoGamer15 who just logged into twitch whenever they turned their PS4 on.
Look Ash, if you’re going to keep bringing up Kingdom Hearts in every single article you write... go right ahead. I’ve been waiting for somebody to finally bring some enthusiasm to that insane series here on Kotaku.
For GaaS titles? Absolutely. The level bump stuff helps a ton and “skips” that whole leveling phase.
Fair enough. As I was writing this, I realized I was ignoring that stupid half-step climb tool. It was completely stupid back then and is still completely stupid today. It’s like metroid-style locking stuff off, but it always feels arbitrary and obnoxious in open world games.
That’s the major downfall with all of the skill-tree games we’re seeing nowadays. There are awesome powers and great combos, for the last 5 missions. It’s one of the reasons I still prefer the Assassin’s Creed 2 series of games. You always get that one hit kill to start, and then when you get something like a gun or a…
Was the naked wrestling the showstopper of the first film? I definitely got more laughs out of his ride with the college dudes in their RV. Or when he goes to dinner and tries to learn polite society. Sure, the naked wrestling was a shock moment, but I don’t know if it was the showstopper.
I’m a big fan of having the three major console producers using different strategies to attract consumers.
Wow, I just looked this up. What a hilariously dark movie in retrospect. All about the trials and travails of living in Europe in at the dawn of the 20th century, ending with a message of chaos but that “some people work toward peace,” as the calendar turns to 1933 of all years. I kind of want to watch this now.
Thanks! I actually have a launch xbox One that has, honestly, only really been used for MCC recently. The promotion comes with 6 months of ultimate, so I’m jazzed. I played Destiny back on PS4, might jump back in since the latest expansion is on the pass.
Kotaku fish! Always happy to see it return.
I’ll never forget my first launch day experience with my own money. I badgered my parents to take me to Target on Gamecube launch day. Somehow, little Progame was the only person there that Sunday. I picked up Luigi’s Mansion and a player’s guide. I do remember Target had a promotion going on where you would get a…
I think that interviewer got... the point!
Agreed! I’m a little sad we’re losing this topic, but I get it. And reading all of the stories over the past months has been a welcome lifeline. Everybody in here has been very cool talking about Covid and lockdown stresses.
other players have been lamenting the possible loss of their favorite landing spots.
Very cool season. Part of that is probably because I kind of skimped on last season, really only hit something like level 30 in the battle pass and unlocked Aquaman.
Get to the end and throw him off.
Exactly. This was a calculated and incredibly smooth PR rollout to get people on their side. It even came with a snappy video! Which all means that, while I ultimately don’t care about which Billion dollar corporation gets more of my money, in principle I’m on the side of Apple here.
This is the second entry in a row where Ash is correct.
Too much stuff is a problem? Is that a thing landlords can do? That seems like overstepping to me, but then again landlords seem to have a ton of power. Hope it goes well for you, Mike.