I look forward to the tell all interview with Stephen Totilo soon.
I look forward to the tell all interview with Stephen Totilo soon.
We’ll always have those first 3 seasons. Genius level writing and an amazing cast that went on to do great things.
Yeah, it’s one of the few things we don’t think about since we never hear from her family. Lee’s “part” of this story ended, but her family has had to wade through all of this.
I too, like to party.
I love esports commentators.
I totally do this! I love seeing everything and finding ways to dodge high powered enemies trying to unlock all of the towers first. It’s how I’ve played every Assassin’s Creed and is one of my favorite parts of the game.
Jason, the discussion surrounding the “Destiny 3" SKU is something I’d love to see explored further. I don’t know if it’s interesting to everybody, but after what happened with D2, the use of returning exotics, and the drive for more money, this is really the pinnacle of the intersection of art and commercialization.…
Damn! Damn Damn Damn.
Basically a silly corporate sponsor at the 2016 awards who interrupted the show a bunch of times. Such a normal thing like a razor turned into a “gamer” thing. It was stupid, very meme-able, and probably the most memorable thing of the night.
Well deserved win! Glad that GoW took home the big prize and RDR2 was recognized for all of the masterwork that went into it with the “smaller” prizes. The two big winners of the night for sure.
Santa in the trailer is definitely holding the Infinity Blade from the Infinity Blade games, right? I can’t be the only person who spent a ton of time playing those back in the day.
I feel terrible for all the people losing their jobs. But also somewhat vindicated.
This is where the fun begins!
Splinter is pretty tightly wound with Chapo Trap House, and those guys hate on PSA pretty regularly. I feel like part of it has to be professional jealousy or something. I dunno, I enjoy both.
I feel like the vitriol is because Splinter is pretty intertwined with the Chapo Trap House crew and that group also seems to hate on Pod Save America pretty regularly. Not really sure why, since their “election special” podcast was about as wonky and politics as usual as I’ve ever heard, so it’s not like those guys…
“Pod Save America Chapo Trap House started as a hugely popular podcast for white post-college grads who wanted to be reminded that America is the greatest country in the world while also being able to silently nod their head that, yes, racism is bad. It was—and is—for those looking to be constantly reminded that…
Stephen, I love your interviews with Reggie.