I can’t bring myself to play overwatch seasons. I like to keep it fun and arcadey. If I go any further, I think I’ll grow to hate this game. I already get stressed enough during events trying for certain skins.
I can’t bring myself to play overwatch seasons. I like to keep it fun and arcadey. If I go any further, I think I’ll grow to hate this game. I already get stressed enough during events trying for certain skins.
I’ve been looking at options, but really doesn’t seem like an investment worth making right now. Instead I’m thinking much more seriously about a gaming PC than ever before, partially due to Microsoft’s E3 presser. There’s so much PC goodness out there, and AMD is supposed to have new graphics cards soon, so who knows.
Yes! I was hoping you guys would get Luke back on the show. I’m glad that you keep that rapport up. His Taken King interview was incredibly candid. I haven’t listened yet, but I assume he’s still in PR mode for D2. Regardless, thanks for pumping out the E3 shows, guys! It’s been great so far!
Ah yes. Destiny 2. Very excited.
Oh awesome! I thought no Kotaku staff were in person at the conferences anymore. I suppose ever since Nintendo did the 3DS chained to the women, it would make sense to be there just in case. Thanks, Stephen!
So, weird question, but its NES related, so maybe someone here will know. My grandparents recently unearthed my cousin’s old NES and sent it to me. It’s a little worse for ware, but I was hoping to clean it up. Any way to do this safely? Even if its just the outside, I’m ok with that. It’ll probably just sit on a…
E3 has really shifted in recent years towards being more consumer friendly as opposed to being an industry event. I know you guys don’t attend pressers in person anymore. Is there any value to media actually attending them? Or at this point going to the show floor if you aren’t doing the extensive dev interviews that…
This is nonsense. Luckily, I was already in the process of completely stopping usage of that card in favor of a rewards one. This just prompted the switch sooner. So, thanks a lot, Gamestop.
How strange. I remember the OG Bubsy game. Didn’t his jump have a weird little bounce to it? That’s about all I’ve got.
This is on my backlog, and it’s for a very petty reason. The text is so muddy on the 3ds xl! I’ve never had this issue on any ds game before, and it really bothered me! Especially since I’ve been wanting to play this game since the ps1 days and I longingly read about it in a magazine at the grocery store.
What about the clearly canon pairing of Junkrat and Roadhog????
You guys aren’t blacklisted by Ubisoft anymore? Does this mean we might finally get the coveted Jason, Matt and Trey interview for Fractured But Whole?
The Lucio skin changes up his songs that play though! That’s pretty cool. My Lucio-main buddy is pumped for it.
Isn’t this one of your predictions from Split Screen, Jason? I feel like you’re racking up some points here.
I guess. But I feel like the Destiny 2 reveal is going to attract the people already interested in Destiny, not the wider audience. I think the skill level of the folks playing is high enough to warrant a different boss. That suggests to me that strikes are going to be more dynamic leading up to the boss and then…
This is a cool strike. But I wanted Bungie to show me something different. The boss is cool, but it’s still a big Minotaur. And now the fight just has 3 different (and I’m using that term loosely here, the circular platforms are all pretty similar) arenas. I wanted strike bosses to be more unique, more mechanic…
I’ll be picking this up day one. I waited for a sale on the original game because I wasn’t sure I’d have time to play and it blew me away. Looks like we’re getting more crab people interaction, and I think I saw Catatafish as well. Can’t wait!
No kidding. I remember hearing about the show when he made the 1930's Germany comment, and I thought it was a brand new show. Damn, 6 years of irrelevance.
Holy shit. An elected representative made those horrible Red Pill forums? How could anyone vote for this dude ever? I can only hope this is the end of his political career.