
I think my favorite story about swag actually came from Kotaku. Remember the 7 deadly sins promotion from (I think) Dante’s Inferno? Didn’t they send reviewers an actual legit check to cash? I remember somebody at Kotaku with the check burning it on the roof.

Not a Pewdiepie fan, but that last tweet made me laugh out loud at work.

This stuff sounds so cool! I’m all about epic weapons that you’re guaranteed to get. I’m really fighting the itch to sub up, get these sweet weapons, and then head back into the old game and solo some raids.

The only time I thought the bleached hair look worked for her is that robot outfit at the top of the article. I was totally on board there, and then afterwards it was just kind of strange.

Nabbed it. Now I just need an xbox live one as well. I let it lapse over the weekend for the first time in years and was appalled with myself. But I also play my playstation more so....

Nabbed it. Now I just need an xbox live one as well. I let it lapse over the weekend for the first time in years and

With the information we have it sounds like a construction accident.


Ok cool. That’s what I’ve been doing so far. Nabbed all the level packs on sale so far and I’ve largely been happy with everything. I was just worried since some of the packs on Amazon are sold out more regularly than the others.

Drat. Just picked up this game too. I also nabbed Portal 2, Back to the Future, and Midway.

The item grind is such an integral part of the Destiny experience though, and also MMOs in general. Like in WoW, you can go back and do old raids and then transmog that gear, correct? There’s not really a system for that in Destiny. And even with updated content, it’s hard to find other folks to do older stuff. I only

Haha. I definitely remember that episode. It was a bunch of Ghastly, right?

Blastoise is clearly the best of the original starter evolutions.

Yeah, but there's like, 2 good pieces of armor from the raid. The Warlock helmet and... Honestly, that's the only one I like lol.

It’s got to be weird jumping into Destiny now. Vault of Glass, Crota, and soon King’s Fall are all going to be pretty obsolete. I really hope the appearance changing bauble things are cool. I’d love to see a mechanic where they drop special ones from the old raids. But I have a feeling the more drastic changes like

Oh my god the logo is sinking now.

How much hubbub did the commenting shift away from “Stars” actually cause? I joke and always ask Crecente for my star back when I see his rare comment, but I remember there was such a huge uproar from the community during that time.

I’m much more excited for the fourth expansion (Working Title).

I’m disappointed Destiny didn’t get a score. I can only hope it’s because the number of guns was just too numerous to accurately list.

I’ve long argued to my friends that Titanic is actually the perfect movie. It has so much going for it, all distilled down to the basest elements. The villain is such a mustache twirling bad guy that everyone hates him. The romance is so stupidly quick, but that damn hand scene is the way everyone dreams their fling

That is a damn shame. I just finished Rogue this weekend, and it's one of my favorite Assassins Creed titles.