
Announcing F2P XIII!

Megabloks confound the mind. They should stay together, but they don't! WHY????

Oh yeah.

Well, if you want to get snarky, the box on the right side is a quick look at the game and a snapshot of the review so if you're in a hurry, you can find out what the reviewer thinks. In this case, Jason makes several quips during the entire review, making the bullet points relevant and humorous.

Yeah. Nomura has stated he's uncomfortable using FF characters that other people created. It was a big deal for him to include Vivi in 2 even though he had such a small role. It's goofy, but hey.

Awesome article Stephen! A couple of things I need to comment on.

It's from a specialty site.


I just really like Tales of Symphonia!


You know what's really missing? Motivation. A plan is a great step in the right direction, but WHY did you make that plan? Are you just angry? That's not enough. Are you angry that your sister died? Better. Do you think you can harness her spirit into a new body? There, now you have drive and motivation to

Well, if it's any consolation, the 360 version is in store pickup only and is apparently sold out everywhere in Florida. At least within driving distance of me. I wanted to play it too and $15 seemed like a great price.

I don't really think the "we" is out of place considering any time a certain critic lashes out and suggests that games aren't art, it seems like the entire gamer collective goes on the attack. That's including sites like Kotaku and others.

Agreed 100%!

Or perhaps the main character actually turns on the Assassins at some point and joins the Templars.

Oh man, I didn't even think about HDD space! Honestly, I'd like to see Valve release, on average, how much space the games people have downloaded during the summer sale take up. I imagine it would be a fairly large number.

This is so true. I own a Mac as well, and I've still purchased at least one game a day. If I didn't have a Mac?

Fair enough. I guess I just misunderstood your post, or at least misinterpreted the tone of your post.

Well, to counter your claims, most of the games you listed have console versions coming out around the same time. The Vita is cool, but if the experience it offers is just the console game on a smaller scale, it's not really exciting. Granted, the 3DS has had its share of ports, hell, Ocarina is why I bought one,

I always enjoy Lisa articles. I usually get a good laugh since she's a funny writer. And even if it's a semi-serious article, I still laugh because the one phrase for her that will be stuck in my mind forever is "Show me you're bobies." That's one of my favorite phrases the idiot internet has produced.