
Bah, already promoted!


Sweeeeeet. Here's hoping for a tag-battle with N against Ghetsis. Maybe even having both Kyurem forms together against him? Still, I'm excited for a direct sequel for story stuff.

Ugh, dream world junk for form changes?

I wouldn't say its callous. But it's true that any community likes to support their own. We embrace gaming as a hobby and would like to help out those who support our hobby. Donating to a major charity just doesn't have the same feel.

Replying to promote. Would be a good gesture from gamers if there was something we could do for the folks from 38 in this same situation.


Well, the first game plays a lot like the 3D Zelda titles. Mild open-world that then connects to a dungeon. Inside said dungeon is a weapon/ability which is then used to complete puzzles and beat a boss to complete the dungeon.

Agreed. A pretty horrible show. Sony showed everyone up this year. Jack Tretton said it best on Gametrailers, they're all about the gamers now. Not the media crowd, not the social-adopters, the gamers.

I'd like to grab a black WiiU. I always felt bad for my regular Wiimotes since they were white and got pretty dirty pretty quickly.

Hahahaha, best Kotaku posts of the day by far!

As an early adopter, I will rage just enough.

Bluh, just realized you can see the bottom of the Chief's helmet. That will drive me absolutely insane. Here's hoping I can toggle it on and off.

I'll do it.

They are officially my heroes. I'm not even sure that their stupid little segment will be surpassed. It was just so awesome.

I had to warn my girlfriend that, at least today, I would be completely unavailable. I love press conference day.

It was awkwardly clever. I think they were going for the cheese. I appreciated it.

Hopefully this doesn't fracture the market or dilute using the GamePad at all.

Plus, it's a ton of free publicity. People will be at the gates begging to get in once the initial wave of testers exclaim how awesome horseback combat is. Or turning into a vampire/demon. Or whatever else is in the expansion.

I suppose Microsoft finally realized that waaaaaaay too many people have iPhones and that they need to support that with content. I was pleased with the Xbox iphone app and I hope this is a reality. I use my Xbox for a ton of streaming media stuff, and if I could send TV shows from my iPad to my TV, it would be