
I find it funny that people spend hours designing this character who you will probably only see on the menu screen or in cinematics. Seriously, even people that play in 3rd person mainly just see the back of armor. I spend maybe 10 minutes max on character design. And that's if I'm feeling creative.

This could potentially be the greatest board game ever. Or the most rage-inducing.

No kidding.

Definitely Charmander. I'd like to think that it'd be tangy and spicy. And delicious obviously.

I don't know if it would be ridiculously popular, but the handheld thing is definitely a factor.

Massively Single Player? That conjures up the image of Demon's Souls, and I'm all for weird multiplayer aspects like that. I have faith Bungie!

I'm still cautiously optimistic about the Wii-U. What Nintendo really needs to do to help boost their sales is to get 3rd party titles and help them incorporate the new controller into gameplay. And I don't mean a waggle here like the Wii, but I mean really involved concepts that are core to the gameplay.

Why are we not just using the "stock" FemShep they give you in the game? I understand that people want this to be "their" story but come on, arguing over a cosmetic difference is just stupid. I used default Male Shepard, you know why? Because honestly, I could care less about what the character looks like. I want

If you are interested in Yugioh, but not willing to spend the money on the actual game, check out It's a completely free online dueling game. All the cards are there, but the only thing is you have to know rulings. Which card goes first, when you can activate what, in order to play. There

Yeah. You've gotta hand it to Nintendo, they really know how to push the stylized graphics. Plus, they push the Wii to limits that are just mind-boggling. The only other game I can think of that's not a Ninty game this gen is probably Borderlands, that had that really unique cel-shaded style.

That trailer was genius. I wasn't expecting it either, it was just playing in the background and then all of a sudden it reverses and I was like !!!

Psh, why wait til next year? We've still got the Tokyo Game show! Lets announce UMvC3:AE there, then next year at E3 we get Turbo 3D remix. Also on the 3DS maybe?

The fighting game community is incredibly loyal to Capcom. My roommate really got into it a couple months ago, and he's just waiting until EVO to take a step back, but I've learned a lot about fighting games in that time.

I skipped out on the first one, but this could be a purchase. My roommate has fight sticks and we used to play every day until one of us would rage-quit. Ahh, good times. Good times.

The popularity of Call of Duty and Battlefield seem to point to the idea that people generally prefer realistic shooters.

Hey, you're that Ninja!!

Video Armageddon!


It actually doesn't bother me either, and I think it's great that they can make me so excited about a game without me knowing really any of the story and just seeing mechanics that are incredibly similar to the first game.

So I'm super excited about Infinite, but I just want to make sure everybody realizes that it looks like the same game as the original Bioshock right? Majestic magical city based on flawed philosophical concept. Large robot-style bad-guys terrorizing you through the game. Crows instead of Bees. 2 distinct sides