Swag bags filled with Lego, but never the pieces they're looking for.
Swag bags filled with Lego, but never the pieces they're looking for.
Unsolved Mysteries had a good episode or two on the Bermuda Triangle. Luckily, Robert Stack's soothing tones kept it from too frightening. Nothing could go wrong with him around.
The hostility was mostly in jest, but probably not called for at all (especially since, upon rereading my comment, the jest part doesn't really come across). It's possible I have a slight chip on my shoulder about the disrespect genre still gets in some (read: literary) circles, too. So my bad for that.
Right? Everyone knows chiropractors are the fast food of the medical community. Quick, cheap, and full of shit.
The linked article isn't terrible, but then there's this little nugget:
I think that reaction is often just in service of the speaker's pretensions. "Sci-fi is bad and I only like good things. Interstellar is good and I like it, therefore it isn't sci-fi."
As a guy who has painted his nails (though without the skill to do Kermit), I suggest you try it sometime, if for no other reason than the slight, dislocating feeling of, "Holy shit, those aren't my hands!" every time you look at them.
A lot of lonely moms are probably waiting for that, too.
Just as soon as Dan Brown finishes his next novel, probably. Any day now.
That's pretty much the boat I'm in. I'll be waiting a long while to buy a PS4 because I still have a bunch of PS3 games to go through. If the PS4 were backwards compatible, I probably would have bought one by now, so I could have access to both PS3 and PS4 games, but without having to have both hooked up. There's only…
Maybe they're doing a series made from Of Blood and Honey by Stina Leicht:
If kids knew how bawdy the Canterbury Tales are, those AP English classes would fill up immediately! It's totally worth learning middle English for.
Hey, Aristophanes built a career on fart jokes. Don't sell yourself short.
Desperation for anything interesting or potentially controversial to make the Today Show seem, however briefly, relevant? That would be my guess, anyway, but I haven't seen the Today Show in many a year. But then, who has?
Who better than Dr. Evil to cut Kim Jong Un down to size? I mean, they're both evil, but so silly it's hard to take them seriously. It's like, that's the dastardly plan you're going with?
With the state of the USA's police, and the militarization thereof, the idea of neuro-weaponry falling into their hands really hits my paranoia nerve. They already don't take well to peaceful protest. What happens when tear gas and pepper spray aren't enough for them, and they want to go directly after our minds…
Krampus the Yule Lord by Brom is a good read, and a very good read if you need a bit of Krampus to tide you over.
"All kidding aside- fuck this guy."
The pre-Socratics don't get enough love. It's about time someone threw a little sunshine their way.
Claptrap would make a great leading robot. Casting would be a bitch, though.