I’d just like to point out if someone tried to pass a law requiring everyone to buy something like a compost bin conservatives would completely lose their shit.
I’d just like to point out if someone tried to pass a law requiring everyone to buy something like a compost bin conservatives would completely lose their shit.
and who in the ever loving fuck actually says BEST WISHES in a tragedy?
Bill Maher is not a liberal. He is a self serving, libertarian creep. Like all libertarians, he is deeply selfish and condescending to anyone or anything that gets in the way of his narrow desires.
I cannot imagine anyone who hears about a new MCU movie and thinks, “Well, I’d better check those Rotten Tomato scores before I buy a ticket.”
i agree, i think it’s terrible that they let old people be in movies - ugh, so gross. I mean if they can’t go to the decency of de-aging old people even fro a brief cameo, than don’t put them in the movie, right? Who wants to see old people? Even little kids are scared of old people, and with GOOD reason! Old people…
False, it was actually taken after he made a 12 year old gamer who just discovered racial slurs a Circuit court judge for life.
I only agree with you if he addresses this stuff. I am going to have a real hard time voting for an Anita Hill denier after having been put the emotional wood chipper that was the Brett Kavanaugh hearings (although if he’s the nominee, I'll do it). I believe in redemption but I don't like it when people say, oh that…
If you want to apply for a loan, fine, but you should do so only after you’ve gotten enough money to repay the principal immediately after taking out the loan.
Footage online shows his car being surrounded and smashed with baseball bats seconds after the crash... Fields seems to have a pretty decent argument that he was in fear for his life.
I’m amazed at the ability of people to engage in trope-like (tropic?) behavior and then kvetch when called out for it.
If American Jews don’t want to get accused of dual loyalty or manipulating American politics for the benefit of Israel, don’t lobby on behalf of a foreign government, and don’t tie up the government…
EXACTLY. When one idiot is “sick” on the subway THE WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM SHUTS DOWN. The guy was homeless. All of you talking about “respect” and go “help him” etc....what the FUCK were you doing when he was alive?
Yes, putting men in women’s prisons is dumb and that is why we don’t do it. But here we are putting a woman in a men’s prison which is also equally dumb and also against the law due to PREA. This has nothing to do with wokeness you dumb ass mutherfucker, this has to do with following the law as laid down by Congress…
You tried to troll, and had your whole, entire ass handed to you. Get used to it if you already aren’t, dear.
Yeach, it’s a real drag there are studios throwing money at exciting filmmakers and not at all interfering artistically. It was way better when interesting filmmakers could only make a movie if a studio gutted it so much it no longer resembled their movie
She keeps the vault temperature right on the edge of 17° C
The best part about drunk-shopping on Amazon is that I can make regrettable purchases without getting arrested for not wearing pants.
If he were dead, Ted Turner would be spinning in his grave.
I have a degree in journalism from Rutgers, which is probably why I’m home alone in a snowstorm drinking wine before noon.....