Replying to self: Hey, self. Imagine the moment if in 50 yrs Menendez gets out and they hand him his early 90s semi-mullet.
Replying to self: Hey, self. Imagine the moment if in 50 yrs Menendez gets out and they hand him his early 90s semi-mullet.
Pedantic note: early onset means it happens while the person is still youngish, think middle aged. He is well within the standard age for dementia, and may be in the early stages of it (or advanced! That’s what I think) but there’s nothing early onset about him.
Lyle Menendez. Hairpiece confiscated right there in the jug.
But when the downsizing is of the entire department that makes the company go, it’s not just corporate belt tightening. It’s like a garage laying off all the mechanics.
Trump voters are SO STUPID.
As a non-lawyer, I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t the faintest idea what sort of 11th dimensional meta-chess President Donald Trump and his legal team are playing at these days.
This man is a national hero. The Air Force should stop dicking around, sack up, and say nuts to punishing him for a load that’s been blown way out of proportion.
Or a magazine where Buster Bluth would appear on its cover with Lucille.
Perhaps not eat them, because too many empty calories, but certainly drag them into the streets and beat them with phone books.
He outranks everyone there, so, if I’m not mistaken, he can pick and choose what he decides to pass along To Mueller since he outranks and oversees Mueller.
Then why would Mueller have applied for and taken the job? He left a 7-figure law gig to do this shit. Why the pessimism? He’s gonna staple Donnie’s baby nuts to his chin, and any info Trump “wrote himself” is potentially something he’ll contradict later, possibly under oath.
One reason I prefer Wild Turkey 101 for Thanksgiving, it is at least 6 years old by the time it gets to the table so has lived a long full life, it tastes better, not dry at all, and makes family, even extended family, far more tolerable. Much easier to carve too.
I am amused because all the questions you pose are asked and answered on a multitude of studies. Guess what they show: That minorities receive disparate care even when they account for both commiserate comorbidity AND socio-economic status, that is what multi-variate analysis is for. PubMed is right there at your…
If she were a fucking vegetable, it would cost taxpayers less than what she’s currently costing. So I say go for it.
Why do we need a front runner -now-? Isn’t this what the debate schedule is supposed to solve for us when 2019 rolls around?
I don’t know if we need to make any changes to speech laws, but I’d strongly argue that if, upon hearing Nazi/Trump shouting, someone just tipped his ass over a balcony or a crowd had beat him to death, the ensuing violence inflicted upon him was the natural and expected remedy for actions like his.
“You come at the king, you best not miss.”
Californians Swear By This One Weird Trick to Get Rid of Republicans!
California Voted Out All The Republicans And You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!
Actually, most estimates have the highest earners (top 5%) paying about 40% of the revenue collected by the treasury. The other common stat that you’ll hear is that the top 1% control more than 85% of the wealth in our country. The rich, by in large, are getting a great deal (not hard to believe considering they’ve…