
Found the rapist

Oh, fuck you. “Not getting a promotion maybe” is not the same as “having your life ruined.”

See? Football and futbol really aren’t so different!

My husband is heartily sick of my saying loudly ‘Well, I hope for longer than THAT” every time the flight attendant announces that we’ll be landing momentarily.

TWO in on the SCOTUS

Yes, I absolutely do expect someone auditioning to be a Supreme Court Justice to “rise above such an accusation” and behave like a serious adult. 100% yes I do. I would not expect that of a person trying to get almost any other job, but I absolutely expect it here.

Every time I’m wrongly accused of being a gang rapist I like to blame the Clintons for absolutely no goddamn reason, but that’s what we want out of the people applying to be non-partisan arbiters of justice.

“Thank you for coming into McDonald’s for a job interview Brett. What a great CV, you really are qualified! Now I see you currently have multiple sexual assault allegations against you....... so for now we’ll not be able to employ you, come back to us at a later date.”

We’re talking one or maybe two non-decisive votes. Senators vote differently when they’re in the majority versus the minority.

You’re right. Democrats would be way better off if they decided to cut off support from Manchin, so they could replace him with a true West Virginia progressive! I bet there’s a lot of Red Rose Twitter twats who could win there!

OK, so everybody who’s pissed off about this should definitely not vote for Tom Perez.  But for chrissake, don’t be a dope and not vote Democratic.  Shit’s too serious for your Jill Stein purity games.  Better still, get involved in party politics and elect someone better as DNC chairman.  Remember, you’re voting for

“Y’all” is a contraction of the two words “You All”... It’s an actual word.

What is so controversial about this? The whole point of the DNC is to get Democrats (re-)elected. As long as Red States exist, you’ll have Democrats that are forced to listen to those constituencies. If you start telling Red-state Democrats that you won’t support them over purity politics, you’re telling Red State

Ignorant pinheads in the grey spewed typical stupid responses:

There was nothing shaky about the evidence in this case. A woman was killed, this man had a known connection to this woman in that she live in the same house, and another woman pointed the finger at him and said somthing along the lines of “He did it! Or, maybe I did it!? No. Wait, it was definitely him! I think!?”

Ssomebody tell me again why testimony is not evidence enough that a sexual assault occurred but it’s somehow sufficient to kill a man.

Also, she has a uterus. That’s a big downside for Trump. He liked the SCOTUS better when it was nine white WASPY old men. Women exist to fuck, get you a Diet Coke, and tell you how great you are. Trump doesn’t like women with opinions, or real careers, or power.

Listen, all right? Jesus turned water into wine. You think he just sat on that? Pfft. He and his apostles probably got tore up on that all the time. And he hung out with a prostitute! Boys will be boys, even back then, so of course something happened with Jesus, the prostitute, and the booze. Kavanaugh is just trying

They’ve been planning it since she was nine. Those sneaky libs.