I’m more visualizing the Blue State relatives visiting their Red State cousins in order to laugh while they dance around the grave, but perhaps I’m just a teensy bit vindictive.
I’m more visualizing the Blue State relatives visiting their Red State cousins in order to laugh while they dance around the grave, but perhaps I’m just a teensy bit vindictive.
I think I hated her just a little bit for that, if only because she was so spectacularly bad that she actually made Pete Davidson seem funny.
Ah, now I gotcha. Which means that now I can only reply, “Yeah, what he said.”
Wait - you can’t understand how someone who makes and sells a thing doesn’t appreciate seeing some random person who bought the thing make 100 times more re-selling it than the someone who made it makes from it?
Paternalistic bullshit is what I have come to expect from Splinter.
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with Spam. Let’s not insult it by comparing it to that pile of quivering grease and gristle.
Um, I’m pretty sure that this hasn’t crossed your little mind, but it doesn’t really matter whether or not the idiots playing this game think they’re pwning the libs. Any way you look at it, right-wing twatwaffles are playing finger games that out them as right-wing twatwaffles.
FWIW, try to review it now, and you get blocked with a message that reads “Sorry, we are unable to accept reviews for this product. This product has limitations on submitting reviews. There can be a number of reasons for this, including unusual reviewing activity.”
Probably not so surprising, though. As much as I hate to quote Wikipedia, let me quote Wikipedia.... “In 1972 Corsi published his doctoral dissertation, Prior Restraint, Prior Punishment, and Political Dissent: A Moral and Legal Evaluation, which discussed the 1968 Democratic National Convention and Vietnam War…
I actually can believe that Spielberg doesn’t have such a notebook, if only because Spielberg has the money and the power to get anything made. The man has an entire production company at his disposal, for heaven’s sake.
I guess when you only have so many ways of expressing your enthusiasm, you gotta go with what you have.
I think they’re giving away money because it’s a nice tidy tax deduction that also give them a nice mention in connection with someone as popular around the world at Barack Obama.
You little rant would have been so much more effective if you hadn’t decided that “... if i had to take an educated guess, would be a shot at his intelligence” would be an appropriate connection to make to a mention of dyslexia. Are you not aware that dyslexia and intelligence are not mutually exclusive?
I suspect that no one at CNN is worried about her actual ethnicity. They know that there’s a sizable percentage of potential viewers will simply assume that she’s Hispanic.
I am always eternally grateful my father never points out that way back in the Dark Ages (the 1970s), he told me that I should abandon my notions of a journalism major and instead should study computers, because they were going to be a thing.
I’m sorry, but no. If you actually WROTE for a newspaper, you’re apparently far too qualified.
I’m glad I’m not the only one confused by this line of reasoning. It’s his fault that Comey decided to wait until days before an election to talk about searching a computer that the FBI had had in its possession for weeks looking for emails that his wife downloaded at some point when she borrowed the laptop?
Bingo. He’s only going to get one swing at this, so he knows it’s got to be absolutely perfect.
I’d pay to see that.
I think you’d find that very few college students give a happy rat’s ass about yearbooks, and they generally don’t sell huge numbers of copies. Nothing remotely resembling the way high school students buy them.