
I mean, it’s not like Trump was gay-bare-backing porn stars. 

Hell, to be fair, “not Cruz” did an awful lot to push Trump to the top of the Republican pack early on.

The first thing the SEC should do is demand the name of the agent that was instructed to sell the stock and all related paperwork, and then go after his license. If he really ignored a sell order for six months (from a client as important as Wilbur MotherFucking Ross, no less), he doesn’t need to be in the business.

The only problem is once you’ve trained a dog to alert to a specific smell, you can’t train it to stop. Sure, you can add things, so there’s no reason that most dogs couldn’t be trained to respond to explosives as well as drugs. Problem is, they’d keep right on alerting to weed or coke or whatever else they’d been

I fucking regret that I fucking have but one fucking star to fucking give you. 

I’ve reached the point where I’d honestly be OK with just putting him back in his tacky-ass apartment and leaving him to his KFC and his Diet Coke for the rest of his days, just as long as he’s removed from office as soon as humanly before. We’re going to have enough of a trainwreck to clean up when he’s gone without

I doubt they’re political savants, but if he was allowed to say more than two sentences to this group, I’m pretty sure he gave them plenty of reasons to despise him.

Wait a minute - I know this is a tangent, but there’s a technology that has made weed all but odorless? What is this miracle of which he speaks? I mean, I know a lot of helpful tricks, but it’s not even close to odorless....

As lovely as it is to think of the mango menace in an orange jumpsuit, I’d gladly forego it to get the lunatic from behind the wheel. 

Other shithead idiots came out in force to vote for one of their own. 

Rand Paul explaining anything at all is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Or would be, if he weren’t an actual person holding an actual elective office.

Why does it have to be one or the other? Is there some rule I don’t know of that says you can admire someone’s views, respect their talent/intelligence, or their looks, but you can only choose one of those traits to appreciate?

Except realistically, yes, that’s exactly what you said. There’s no other reason to say that people shouldn’t be able to receive benefits unless they meet a work requirement unless you believe that there are significant numbers of people who could be working but aren’t.

Acknowledging that institutional racism has resulted in a disproportionate number of people of color living in poverty is not racist.

But no matter how you slice it, Teddy Roosevelt and Taft weren’t conservatives. Not even remotely. So if these are the people you admire and whose policies you embrace, you aren’t conservative. A very old-school Republican, maybe, but not conservative.

It’s not likely that they have security cameras in the patient’s rooms, either. If the rapist is on staff and has regular contact with her as part of his normal job, security footage might not be much help.

There’s also the possibility that someone in a persistent vegetative state wasn’t having normal menstrual cycles and didn’t experience a normal pregnancy.

Meh, I’m not sure he’s ever been that highly regarded. Scalia was a superb legal mind that I disagreed with on pretty much every possible topic. Kavanaugh is more of a reasonable competent sort of legal mind, but his judicial philosophy is ridiculous.

Most of North Dakota is unoccupied, so I guess it’s OK if Canada just comes in and takes over.

Backtrack all you want, but at the end of the day, what you’re saying is that it’s perfectly fine with you to cause devastating harm to thousands of people who already have absolutely nothing, just on the off chance that someone who doesn’t meet your standards for a worthwhile human being might accidentally benefit in