
I have to admit, I’d be happier about Pelosi if one of her first actions is to create a legislative calendar that actually requires those miscreants to stay in DC and work. It sounds great to say that all that time off allows elected reps to stay in touch with their constituents, but damn few of them actually use the

Is he a photographer, by chance? There’s a guy I run into regularly photographing events around KC that always wears a kilt. A black kilt and combat boots, to be precise. It’s surprisingly sexy. 

FWIW, the USPS would continue operating as normal, because despite what the idiot contingent likes to imply, it’s entirely self-funded.

Um, you say more federal power is bad, give the power to the states, but your example is a hypothetical overturn of Roe v. Wade - how, exactly, is it a plus for liberalism and freedom to remove federal protection for something as universal as the rights of privacy, self-determination, and bodily autonomy?

Not really. IIRC there’s a procedure for reallocating unspent funds, but as far as I know, it doesn’t actually involve the president just waving a magic wand and agency heads will hand over money for him to spend on whatever boondoggle crosses his tiny little mind. 

Well, it’s understandable that it would slip your mind, what with the Bowling Green Massacre occurring the same day. 

I’m afraid that I will, for eternity, read ellipses as “dot dot dot.”

I’ve always assumed that he was molded from the same stuff they make those damned “mashed potatoes” from in those cheap-ass frozen dinners that made Tucky a trust-fund baby.

“No, wait, wait, I’ve seen this before - this is when you’re supposed to pull up your lip and show your teeth. No, a little more on the side. No, the left. No, Eric, your other left. No, no, not that much. I think that’s too many teeth....”

Because heaven forbid that consideration for the people walking on the sidewalk force you to actually pay attention to your surroundings while your 2-ton death machine is in motion. 

I’m thinking it’s more like how could we NOT be friends? 

Ooooh, I like the way you think. I wish I had thought of it myself - how could you sue someone for violating an NDA unless you admit that what they said is actually true?

“Yeah, lots of doctors work for CBP, especially overnight since she died at I think 6:25am.”

Except we arent welcoming fascism, but merely control over our own nation.

Or, it allows Congressional Democrats to make the argument that they attempted to deal in good faith but that Trump chose to hurt innocent people instead (and trot out a few red state sob stories to illustrate), all because Congress wouldn’t do enough to help him break his campaign promise that Mexico would pay for

“Democrats could easily win this messaging war...”

It’s one thing to say that you would “happily watch from home, broke and figuring out which Christmas present to burn for heat,” but that’s not the only question.

Spending billions on a huge fence will also have real world consequences for real people.

As a quibble, no, he divorced two of them. Two of them were beheaded, one died after childbirth, and the last managed to survive long enough to dance on his grave. “Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived” is the little rhyme.

Oh, for heaven’s sake, could we please stop trotting out that story? This isn’t even remotely a standard hiring process. It’s an incident that occurred 20 fucking years ago at a single department.