
Because heaven forbid that consideration for the people walking on the sidewalk force you to actually pay attention to your surroundings while your 2-ton death machine is in motion. 

I’m thinking it’s more like how could we NOT be friends? 

Ooooh, I like the way you think. I wish I had thought of it myself - how could you sue someone for violating an NDA unless you admit that what they said is actually true?

“Yeah, lots of doctors work for CBP, especially overnight since she died at I think 6:25am.”

Except we arent welcoming fascism, but merely control over our own nation.

Or, it allows Congressional Democrats to make the argument that they attempted to deal in good faith but that Trump chose to hurt innocent people instead (and trot out a few red state sob stories to illustrate), all because Congress wouldn’t do enough to help him break his campaign promise that Mexico would pay for

“Democrats could easily win this messaging war...”

It’s one thing to say that you would “happily watch from home, broke and figuring out which Christmas present to burn for heat,” but that’s not the only question.

Spending billions on a huge fence will also have real world consequences for real people.

As a quibble, no, he divorced two of them. Two of them were beheaded, one died after childbirth, and the last managed to survive long enough to dance on his grave. “Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived” is the little rhyme.

Oh, for heaven’s sake, could we please stop trotting out that story? This isn’t even remotely a standard hiring process. It’s an incident that occurred 20 fucking years ago at a single department. 

I wouldn’t mind the YouTube commercials so much if I didn’t know that they’ve also changed their compensation plan to make it much more difficult for small content providers to make money. 

Then feel free to not check it out. Problem solved.

Meh, I’ll give them credit for caring desperately. Unfortunately, they also happen to be flaming nutballs with some very bizarre ideas of what constitutes ‘ethical’.

It’s not much different from the sort of thinking that led Ted Bundy to keep heads as souvenirs.

I suppose it doesn’t make any less sense than the notion of a non-denominational Christian.

It’s by design - it’s insane to imagine, but there is a protocol for every possible fucking eventuality. There’s an entire office full of staff whose sole purpose is to keep track of that shit.

I’ve occasionally wondered just how one goes about preparing for that sort of career, and who the hell thinks, “Hey, I’ve

I’m assuming that she was trying to decide whether her Secret Service detail could take his.

Nah, it doesn’t help. Bitch face = “Well, look at that emasculating c*nt.” Neutral face = “Well, look at that inattentive c*nt.” Happy face = “Well, look at that stupid c*nt.”  

I’ve always had a distinct feeling that much of W’s stupidity was calculated. Oh, he’s definitely not a rocket surgeon, but I’m not sure that he’s as much stupid as he is intellectually uncurious, because he’s never had any need to actually bother with stretching himself. He realized early on that being taken as a