
It must be tough on White people choosing the candidate that best resembles their least annoying parent.

Bernie Sanders has been in the Senate for 30 years and gotten 4 bills passed. Two of them were to rename a post office. Amy Klobouchar has been in the senate 7 years and gotten 33 Bills passed. Seems to me that Bernie needs to listen to women how to get shit done. This man cannot be anyone’s nominee he has no fucking

Guess what? Strangers’ germs won’t hurt your least, not any more than your own germs—and I’m guessing you touch, kiss, and cuddle your baby hundreds of times a day. Over-protecting children from ordinary microorganisms may reduce the ability of the child’s immune system to develop properly and is correlated

ehh... survival of the fittest and all. Baby can’t germ, then no baby.

Extra Credit Reading List:

Thanks for this. Also, let your son play with dolls. 

I would say that the doll pictured with the Black skin and circle red lips is horrible and stereotypical. But I do like the idea of diversity in dolls .

Most metals can’t scratch glass.

I just heard my key ring laugh.

And this is what I consistently see. People who have little money are often generous with what they have, while better off people are always coming up with excuses for why they never help anyone. I never “lend” money, I give what I can and don’t expect it back. Anything else, to my mind, is immoral. 

And if you’re a woman, your work e-mail has to strike a very delicate, near-impossible balance between “friendly” and professional. Too light of a tone, and you’re not taken seriously because you’re a flighty woman. Write in a matter-of-fact way that’s similar to your male colleagues, and you’re a joyless ballbuster.

Why do all the things that truly make your life feel enjoyable and lived-in and yours would you could instead engage in the single-minded pursuit of money?

I have Q-Tiped for most of my adult life.

Yep. I’m 51 and have used them daily..... my entire adult life

Survivorship bias is no excuse for your bad behavior!

Q-Tipping my ears is one of the most singularly pleasurable non-genital related sensations I can induce. I’d even put up with jammed earwax for it. But I agree, when I was going to my ENT for Ear and Nose Things, he saw nothing unusual in my ears, so I’m good.

Yeah I don’t go deep with them and have made it this far without issues. You can have my qtips when you pry them from my cold, dead, wax filled ears.

Same.  Seems like everything is fine as long as I don't jam them through my eardrums.

I use Q-Tips, but I live dangerously.

What business are you in? 

I have been drinking unfiltered tap water at my home for 7 years now. I think it tastes pretty good. No ill effects yet.