
Cats are incredibly clean animals. If a cat stinks, then it’s either sick, or it’s living in a house that stinks. The #1 reason people who have cats have stinky houses is bc they don’t scoop or change the litter regularly. Even with one cat, the litter should be scooped a couple times a day, and changed completely

I tried Graze for a couple months last year. I love snacking while I work, so it seemed like a good idea. The portion sizes were waaaay too small for me.

I was spending $28/month on Graze. I found I could take the much less money and go to Trader Joe’s for snacks (nuts, pretzels, etc.). Now I load up my desk with TJ

YES. This is how I was taught to drive— Never use your brakes on highways unless you absolutely have to. Otherwise, follow traffic speeds and modulate with the cars around you.

Good lord I WISH people in NJ understood this. My knees would be happier (I drive a manual) and my Jersey commute would be so much nicer

One of my favorite things about Evernote is clipping entire websites, news articles etc. to use later on. How does Apple’s Notes do with these types of notes? And is there a web clipping-like option for Notes yet?

“Hey Siri” does NOT only work with iphone 6s. I’ve been using it on my 5c and now my 6 for a while.

YES! I have never peeled carrots, potatoes, beets etc. It’s such a waste of time!

Ok, I’m going to confess something. I’m not a hoarder, but at different times in my life I’ve had 10+ cats. And I’m a neat freak— to the point of being OCD. I also NEVER go anyplace covered in cat hair (and I teach, so I’m in front of groups of people a lot). So here are my expert tips:

This chart is much too complicated. Let me simplify:

All beer goes with all food.

Never heard of using salt w/ iodine. Usually we run vinegar through it to get rid of hard water build up.

Yeah, we are renters, though, so the chances of the landlord doing that are slim. We do run vinegar through it every once in a while, though!

Yeah, I wonder how well they work. We have very hard water, and our dishwasher is picky about what works in it (our old dishwasher ran fine with the cheap Target brand, go figure). The only detergent that doesn’t leave white film on everything is Lemishine.

Professor Moxie here and I teach at a school where most students are on a serious budget, supporting families, and working FT. Here are a couple more tips:

BOOK COSTS: As your instructor if they can make a desk copy of the textbook available at the library. Most professors don’t know that publishers will send them free

The key is to handle their paws a lot, and get them used to clipping their nails, from the time they’re a kitten (if you’ve had them when they’re young, that is). They’ll get used to it, and trimming nails won’t be an issue.

Also, I have a bunch of cats, and have always just used a large people toenail clipper. They

There are some fantastic houses in Newark and the surrounding area (East Orange, West Orange, Orange) for PENNIES compared to the housing prices just a few miles away, and just a stone’s throw from NYC. They’re great communities with bad reputations. The crime rate in Newark and East Orange, for example, has been cut

Er, yes I watched the video. The shot at the end where he cuts into it clearly shows egg snot. Yuck.

Nope. Mrs. Profmoxie and I have been together 18 years, but couldn’t actually get married (legally) until 2 years ago (yay for equality!). We don’t have much in the way of assets, just debt from my years in grad school.

And it was/is FUNNY AS HELL.

Graze is great. I’m a professor and I got it this past semester so that I would always have something to snack on in my office. It’s actually $6.99 for a box with 4 snacks. Everything is yummy and unique. It was convenient and fun to get the boxes BUT the portions are SO small! It’s convenient, but I think money-wise

I subscribed to Graze this past semester (stopped it over the summer when I’m not in my office). I loved it, but found the portions ridiculously small. Also the box with 4 snacks was $6.99 not $5. $5 is much more reasonable for what you get!

DO NOT underestimate the STRESS of being a landlord.

We own a house in another state. Bought it for a good price when I was working there, and when my job moved me, we decided to keep it and rent it out. How hard can it be to find a nice, responsible family to rent a beautiful well-loved home in a quaint New England