
Ok, I love bacon as much as the next ex-vegetarian...

Why why WHY does Madison, WI keep making lists like this?

"aggressively disgusting" is gonna have to be my new go-to phrase. thanks!

What, no infinity tattoos?

this rivals the Judge Judy Eye Roll for Best Gif Ever.

I was wondering the same thing!

From 8 years living in Wisconsin, with rosacea, and running in temps down to -10, I have one word:

I'm prepared— I already have a #Hillary2016 bumper sticker on my car!

OMG Girl Talk. Dreamphone.

I've really come to dislike the experience of giving and receiving gifts during the holidays. There is so much pressure to (a) spend money you don't have and (b) thinking of the perfect gift for someone. Yes, some gifts are thoughtful and appreciated, but my parents are in the habit of buying unneeded crap just for

Rye is my favorite. Here in the NYC area some grocery stores carry a Russian Rye that's amazingly yummy.

I have only 1gb of data with AT&T and I've never gone over it. I get a 85% usage warning text from them, but I don't get that every month, and when I do, it's usually a day or so before my billing cycle ends.

I use my iphone for GPS every day to get to work and back (Waze), use FB all the time, take photos, upload

Great tip! But doesn't sour cream usually have a pretty long lifespan? Usually, when I get some, the expiration date is more than a month away, so I plan to keep in the fridge and use it for a while. Same with cottage cheese. Or, is the shelf life cut shorter by opening it— so an open product is only good 7-10 days,

It's amazing to me how many grocery stores mislabel sweet potatoes as "yams"!

But don't shared photo streams take up space on your iphone? I know at one point I dumped all my own photos because of space issues, but still found I had a sizeable photo library because of my sister's shared photo stream. I unsubscribed from it, and had space again.


Woh, that would NEVER fly in Wisconsin winters (where I went to grad school). Actually, it would fly, and your ears would freeze. Brrrrrrrrr.

Can someone tell me if any cats die in the series so far? We have the show TIVO'd to watch, but my partner would really HATE if we watched them and a cat ended up getting killed. Can someone give me a head's up?

I'm with you. I've been with AT&T for 10+ years and haven't had a single issue with them.

Wow, what a ridiculously rosy view of finances.