
All I know is that Big Mac looks really delicious. I know I shouldn't think so, and I do eat healthy— veggies and organic food— but every once in a while there is nothing like a Big Mac.

After 8 years in grad school surrounded by manversations, I can't even imagine women talking more than men!

STOP making things out of splintery, ugly wooden pallets. Just. Stop.

I use Mendeley for citations for scholarly articles, and Evernote for ALL of my notes, related online articles, info, ideas, etc. I've been using Evernote since 2008 and have so much info in there related to my research that it's my go-to place when I'm writing and analyzing data. I have everything organized by tags,

Agreed. A simple, amazing app.

Oh, and a shameless plug for my GF's blog:

Ida Lupino!

best. gif. ever.

3rd-ed. Preview is really all you need.

new tenure track professor at a State U- here I'm just aiming for an office with a WINDOW at this point. And I don't think building maintenance is going to go for hanging swings from the ceiling!

Huh. Covering up velcro is an interesting idea. I've always admired Timbuktu bags, but have never been able to buy one because of the *very annoying* velcro. I teach, sit in meetings, attend conferences, sneak in late, or leave early if something is boring. The sound of ripping velcro is really never welcome in those

Oh, yes, as someone who used to bike year round in Wisconsin, I can verify that there are definitely summer and winter bike tires.

I never had wedding fantasies as a child. Granted I didn't even know I was gay until college (it was the 1990s), but I never thought about, or played "wedding" as a kid.

Ah, who said laylowmoe is a guy? Why'd everyone assume that?

I don't think it's satire. They link to some very real organizations like the "anti-marriage defamation league" (who knew??)

It would be great if you could just buy bags of Altoids to fill the tins. Yes, I've used tins to organize stuff in my toolbox and desk, but still end up with a bunch of empty Altoids tins. I'd glad buy bags of mints to fill them up with. Does such a thing exist?

I can't load it either— maybe we collectively crashed it? What a shame that would be.

I use Evernote to store and organize ALL my recipes. A while ago I started keeping a tag called "favorites" as a go-to place to find recipes that we've tried and love. We go through recipes in the tag when making our food plan for the week, and fall back on our favorites when we don't feel like trying something new.

Could weddings be ANY more annoying? Now people are getting non-invitations invitations? Good lord. Count me as one of those thrilled not to be invited.

Seriously. What the heck does being a man have to do with it?