Prof Roy Hinkley

Next thing you know, we’ll be seeing Alabama basketball fans totally lose their shit and threaten refs when they make some bad calls that cost them the NIT title.

Kentucky fan leaving a voice mail....

How sad are you to give any kind of a shit about Kentucky football.

Seriously, can somebody take Calipari’s phone away from him for a while? Give the refs a breather.

This picture looks like Incognito is forcing Sir Patrick Stewart to give him a blowjob.

“since you won more quarters doesn’t that count as winning the electoral game? That’s better than the popular game.”

I wonder if leaders in China wear “China” hats that are made in the USA?

I could do without seeing or hearing from that fascist, dictatorial, tyrant at all tonight if you ask me.

All the more reason to think the lions would win

If you want the real answer, it’s because the anti-parade contingent of #BrownsTwitter has been arguing passionately against the parade with a staggering lack of grammar.

UCF just called - they consider the Browns the Super Bowl champions this year.

Trump promised to bring all the sadness factory jobs back, and by golly, he delivered!

They had some tough losses, but I’m confident in saying they are the best 0-16 team in the league.

Workin’ overtime at the sadness factory.

Whoa now, those two agreed to get fucked by him. There were legally binding contracts that are matters of public record to prove that they allowed for such debasement to occur. They paid him to fuck them. If that’s not consensual then we need to have a serious discussion with the Merriams and Websters.

They are tied into a 35 year agreement, unless they can prove the City violated the terms of the management agreement. I highly encourage you all to read the source document, in the event your city tries to stuff a stadium up your ass.

Replace all “S” on jerseys with “2.” Now you only pay for 25 letters.

This reads like “how to build a case for relocating a sports team in the very near future.” Claim you need more fan support to be viable; fail to get said support; run back to the owners begging to move to Vegas or whatever.

[the preceding dialogue consists of Derek Jeter talking to himself in front of a mirror while Dire Straits plays in the background]

“So Mr. Jeter, with our standard ticket price, multiplied by an expected season ticket holder base of ... let me see ... zero ... we can expect season ticket revenues of ... sorry, just let me grab my calculator ... zero dollars.”