Ummm - they even redacted the page numbers at the bottom of the pages? WTF. Haha - I can count them on my own you Hamilton County twits!
Its weird the story on his health in no way links Meyer to Hulk Hogan, but I totally expected it to. Hey Meyer, Dr Berry says you are a bad guy who should not be coaching, but your medical condition is BS and you are a wuss for not coaching. What is with all the sharks in the air at Deadspin for the…
How many times has bro-racist ironically told people: ”I’m not racist, I’m in the military and have Latinos and blacks in my unit”
If you are trying to impressive them I would suggest you start this way: ‘are either division champions garbage or racist division champ garbage*’
I enjoy that these guys are actually rooting for a Canadian team (Expos). It’s like jingoistic karma. Someone obviously is tarriffing their batting averages.
Thanks for ruining CFB for me this season - will be spending the entire time ignoring the BCS and working the scenarios in which the above happens.
Bodily fluid truthers. Just wondering which do you have a preference for: being licked or spit on?
well at least he is confirming devolution....
Ummm the cops were actually pretty great (calm, collected, and reasonable) for the most part in Cleveland (for the Cav’s Championship and the RNC). ...... and So were the people.
MLS is screwed and I feel bad for Columbus because they are too.
As a casual+ soccer fan, I am continually amazed at how hard MLS works to emulate the worst of every other sports league. For example they looked at the stupidity of MLBs blackout model and almost matched it city by city. And this was a league starting afresh and attempting to establish new markets(!). Then over…
In a time where there seems to be no lack of shitty human beings or least people who feel no shame in being horrible, Steve Loomis could absolutely be in the be in the clown hall of fame. Ask anyone in Cleveland what their greatest concerns are for themselves and the safety forces in Cleveland and they will…
Houston - “We don’t do zoning!” and it shows.
Deadspin has to have a lip reader on retainer by now.... So hop to and get us the some Kiffen confirmation.
The phrase “undermine” is a mangerial red flag..... a flag that the person using it thinks that good leadership and respect come from being an authoritarian. A successful leader is one that can listen and use the people around them and then execute a plan. Even when you can’t get consensus (which you usually never…
I would agree - but second behind the Brietbart comment section, is the comment section on