+1 light bulb
+1 light bulb
ho is it shitty?
GOD turned that water into ice, heathen!
Filling segments with science!? This is why ESPN is losing the conservatives.
Struggling FAKE NEWS ESPN just showed that climate change is fake! FAKE NEWS just disproved FAKE SCIENCE.
The fact that announcers and reporters will seemingly NEVER not be amazed that Foxborough is cold and shitty is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Jesus man....it was Greg Hardy that sent you over the edge? How long have you been a Cowboys fan again?
As a Dallas-born Philly resident and former diehard Cowboys fan until that perpetually gaping asshole Jerry Jones signed Greg Hardy, I say: HAHAHAHAHA! Eat shit Cowboys! Jerry, I hope you get nothing but Depends for Christmas and that Dallas doesn’t win another playoff game until after you die (I also hope you die…
I sit back and contemplate that these median obstacles are there to prevent injuries, and then imagine how much more spectacular that video could have been without them in place. The guy would have been approaching Mach 1 as he reached the bottom of the chute.
Ya know, there’s a reason they put that stuff on the escalator median. If you can’t figure out what that reason is, you get what you deserve.
True story:
To paraphrase Darwin - the stupid must be punished.
I’m just hoping Mama meets someone, and in a few years the chain rebrands to “Stepdad Roger’s”.
What are the odds he’s just getting out ahead of his own sexual misconduct/harassment in the workplace scandal?
Somehow Schilling will get in with less than a majority of the votes and then claim all the votes for Guerrero were submitted by “illegals.”
Vince can expect the full support of the president. Backing failed ventures is what he’s best at.
I’ve never lived in a front-plate state so their ugliness always shocks me.
I mean. Come on. One of the women is named Jackie Kennedy. Like, we get it. You are already at an obscure fancily named school playing lacrosse. We already knew you had old money.