
My problem with this show is that Rhaenyra is such a fundamentally unlikeable protagonist. She just makes terrible decision after terrible decision.The problem with this show is that there’s no fun characters, there’s no equivalent Tyrion or Arya. I find it hard to care about these people.

Very funny that your defence against lazy writing is ‘Hey GRRM is also a lazy writer who recycle his ideas!’

I was extremely confused because I simply couldn’t believe that Rhaenyra and Laenor wouldn’t have had perfunctory sex to have an heir. It’s honestly almost a show killing act of stupidity. An accidental child from Harwin Strong thrown in the mix? Interesting and believable.  But this might just take me out of the show.

Have two types of lobbies. One with Red Dot, one without.

On the one hand, we didn’t even have a mini-map back in the glory days of the arena shooters, and we did just fine. On the other hand, what’s the point of the mini-map if you aren’t receiving any information from it?

Most of this first season is character development and setup. And in a case like this, where we’re about to make a significant leap ahead in time, I think we need that. The green and black division is going to be the crux of the show for the next four seasons, so these first five episodes really have to dig into the

Alicent is definitely operating like a spurned lover that is jealous of both Rhaenyra and her potential lovers/mates. 

They definitely have more chemistry, intentional or not, than most of her other romantic prospects. 

There was definitely something going on there, even if it was just what used to be called a “girl crush.” In the first episode IIRC Rhaenrya had her head in Alicent’s lap and was talking about how she wanted to travel the world with her. Not something I was doing with my friends at her age. . . 

A few things:

Yeah, they stayed away from all the famous this- and that-shaped armaments on GoT, and for good reason. I mean, you can see the rubber wings on the helmet flapping around when he moves for god sakes.

Aww, that’s cute you think more books are coming.

I felt it served to turn the events of GoT into more of a tragedy. The Targaryen dynasty had generations to prepare for the White Walkers, but due to their own in-fighting and civil wars, by the time the moment came, they had nothing to show for it.

I feel the dream at the end is a clear way for Martin to say “hey, the ending to that show isn’t what I wanted”.

It was a reference to Dany’s older brother having similar prophetic dreams and trying to become the Prince That Was Promised to ensure humanity’s survival, only for Robert Baratheon to hammer his brains out during the Rebellion. Prophecies in Westeros don’t always pan out. 

This is also a good place to mention that though Jane is certainly worthy to be Thor, the inclusion of the scene of Thor telling Mjölnir to watch over her undercuts that a bit.”

All Asgardians, like Thor, live for thousands of years (this was confirmed in Agents of Shield, as canonical as that is these days). Beyond that, they haven’t been especially specific about it, though most of them don’t have any superpowers like Thor/Odin/Loki/Heimdall/Sif/The Warriors Three

Im still trying to figure out if all Asgardians are god like or just a select few from the warrior bloodline. This movie did little to clear that up.

Will he head south to help his half-brother and current ruler Bran?

This movie is gonna be released to HBO Max in the dead of January with zero fanfare, then pulled after a week.