Professor Sasquatch

Damn! Still grayed?

Moving away from actors in general would be a smart move. They are hardwired to make it all about themselves.

Even their little interstitial animations were awesome. Man- they really dropped the ball, creatively speaking.

I liked how they messed with her scale this season. It was a nice touch...

Back in the day, MTV was broadcasting some of the most creative, irreverent, fun stuff on tv.

I keep waiting for Yahoo to update their various services- my yahoo email address is too good to abandon, but cheezus is it a lousy service.

Fuck Jamesons- I know they are owned by InBev or some multinational now, but you can’t shake off this kind of taint:

“Last year, Goering described the show thusly”
...might wanna fix that.

This is one of the few movies I own multiple copies of (I upgraded to bluray).
A stone classic.

Looks like she got herself some barbeque. Nice work, Snider.

I’ll admit that it took me waaaay longer than it should have to realize this same thing.
Where’d that critical eye go?.

This might be neither here nor there, but Jenny Agutter made quite an impression on young Mr. Sasquatch.

I’m a pretty huge fan of that show, and on subsequent rewatchings, I found April to be far more tedious than Anne Perkins.

That’s a bummer- he had one of the best monotones in the business.
A duet album with Nico would’ve been something...

Any of the streaming services have this show?

Dark City was pretty great- Strange Days was trash (and not in a good way).

Goddamn classic.
There was a time that The Simpsons were pure gold, every time.
That time is past.

Naw- gotta stick with mermaids, because, as we all know, “Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.”
Ok- maybe Sirens...

Big Spice is in for SUCH a drubbing!