Professor Sasquatch

Gah... that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever read.

My father was a terrific painter (got his MFA studying under Philip Guston) and he did many paintings of my mom in various states of undress, When I was a in middle school, other kids that I didn’t know would approach me and say, “Is it true you have naked pictures of your mom on the walls at home?”
“Yeah... but it’s

“Murdered, huh? How was she dressed?”

It might hold food, but it’s not efficient at keeping it warm- foil conducts heat away from them vittles.
It IS good at putting under foods that break apart on the grill.

Oh man- I haven’t thought about Tonk in YEARS!
We used to play for quarters during lunch in high school (Florida).

I say, always bring beer and booze to a cookout- there’s always enough food, but the beer always runs out.

What did she do?
I love stories of celebrities’ entitled, narcissistic behavior

Yeah, it doesn't really hold up- but whaddaya want from me? I was in tenth grade.

On the way home from having my wisdom teeth removed, I bought a copy of Primus' Pork Soda and listened to it on repeat while in a percocet induced nauseous haze.
I still can't listen to that album without feeling a little woozy…

Southern Harmony and Amorica are flawless. The rest of their catalog is weak at best.
Which is a bummer, as it really seemed like they were on their way to being one of the all-time greats…

Underrated, yes- but it has a lot to answer for by foisting, “HELLO?!” as an acceptable thing to shout at the end of a pithy observation.
Much darkness was unleashed upon the world with that one...

I had a student with the incredibly unfortunate last name of Pornsuxawang. He was Cambodian or Thai, I believe- truly a misfortunate name when in an english speaking country...

Good stuff, though I don’t know if the soundtrack really fit the subject matter...

I’m an east coast person and they weird me out, too. Every male I knew who went to boarding school was truly disgusting- some of them were fun and awesome, but they dipped (a habit learned at boarding school because it’s hard to get caught), they would always try to see who could cultivate the most egregious body

Nice job, ratbrain!

...and the aforementioned piss tasting water.
And assholes.
Lots of assholes.

...and they are all moving en masse to Portland, Maine and fucking ruining it.

Carrie’s hand coming out of the grave was a dream sequence- the popular girl whose boyfriend took Carrie to the prom woke up screaming after the shot of Carrie’s hand emerging from the soil.

Yeah- these don’t seem like the actions of a socially awkward teen...