Professor Sasquatch

How did that kid think that showing up on her doorstep was a good idea?
Fortune favors the bold, but jeeeeeeez- leave the girl alone.

It’s been years since I’ve seen it, but I remember WEGG being pretty great.

Gurgi was portrayed as waaaay too cute in the movie adaptation, but he didn't die in the books. That pompous ass of a knight (I can't remember his name) jumped in the cauldron and sacrificed himself to save his honor…

Totally underrated. I love that movie. Well paced, actually funny in parts and has a bit of emotional heft.

I like her stuff- Habits is a great tune. She is a little hit or miss, but when she’s on, she’s great.

She’s a breatharian- look it up. Total crazypants.

I will fully admit that I get all misty at the end of Thunderdome. I know it’s dumb, but still... every time.

My god- how awful. I don’t know if this story could get more depressing. That poor, beautiful girl...

That’s crazy, though you gotta give it up to the guy- born with fetal alcohol syndrome and making it all the way to judge.

How does that even happen?!

I saw Serial Mom with my parents in high school. Not sooo bad, right?
I was tripping on acid- makes it much more awkward...

From the thumbnail image on the main page, I mistakenly thought this movie was starring Ryan Gosling and John Goodman.
I want to see that movie…

Most everyone looked stupid at the Met Gala, largely due to this year’s theme of merging the artistic and the technological (or something like that- I’m not going to look it up).
I think they are trying to distance themselves from last year’s Orientalist themed clusterfuck.

I think it’s the lack of photoshopping- the flashes from the camera illuminate the inside of her mouth.
It is indeed pretty horrifying- someone should’ve been rocking the burn tool for sure- take that maw down a notch...

Rings is a hell of a track. I went to art school with Mr. Rock (he was just Ian back in those days). Nice guy.

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I never outgrew the “dude” phase. In my defense, I grew up on a beach.

Gahh- that picture says it all.
“Overbearing” in action!

Ugh- delusional asshole.
There’s no prison dark enough for this man.