
Star Trek: First Contact

Ravenclaw, actually, and every time the plural of "horcrux" is in the books, it's spelled "Horcruxes" - for example, Chapter 23 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is entitled "Horcruxes".

"Horcruxes", actually.

Bitch, it is 5:40!

That's my biggest issue with the Harry Potter Wiki. They continue to say she died, which JKR has never confirmed.

Food would work, but I'm pretty sure people would be able to detected false gold.

Rowling has admitted that she is bad at math.

My dad loves to tell the story of how he took my sister and me to the third movie, and afterwards she and I explained the Marauders to two old ladies behind us who hadn't read the books.

Probably not a good place to have your wedding…

Hayden Panettiere also has Nashville over on ABC.

"Party of Six" - Penny's birthday curse and Mary Tyler Moore Tyler Moore Moore Moore

Last Man Standing - Tim Allen's character attacks Obama just about every episode.

Yeah, that's my problem with this review, too. It's a half-hour musical comedy on ABC - I'm not expecting emotional depth.or some sort of theme, just an entertaining half hour of television.

No, What's on second.

That's the second one. The third one is a time-travel story with Jack Frost.

1) Snape was investigating Quirrell, presumably on Dumbledore's orders.

I definitely have a problem with it. A character with a different name that is obviously meant to be Kim Jong-Un? - that's fine. But actually using Kim Jong-Un? - this shouldn't have made it out of the pitch meeting.

Either Norway or Sweden.

Also centuries of inbreeding.

1) He knew there was something wrong with Quirrell, he just wasn't sure what until Harry met him beneath the trapdoor.