
No, Tarkin has no connection whatsoever to Vader's creation. He oversaw construction of the Death Star.

Tarkin had nothing to do with Vader's creation. Perhaps they meant the Death Star?

I thought I had heard she was leaving after Apocalypse.

Her franchise also definitively ends in November. The MCU is much more open-ended, and Disney/Marvel wants to keep RDJ for as long as they can.

Melissa McCarthy also has a TV show, so some of her money is coming from that.

Put him in a group, and he'll hop his ass right out!

Porkins was in a Y-wing, not an X-wing.

Terminator: Numbyrs

But his death was not promised again and again as the only way to save the world. "Neither can live while the other survives" - that meant one of them had to die, either him or Voldemort, not both. And Harry's survival was set up back in Goblet of Fire, when Dumbledore has a look of triumph in his eye when he learns

"It's easy to be a saint in paradise."

None of the actors at Comic-Con had seen scripts yet, so I doubt he has either.

Most recently, The Michael J. Fox Show (though his first name was still Michael, the last name was different).

Veronica Mars was on UPN first, and Everwood never made it to the CW, so neither of them are really CW stars.

Spend time with your kids. So Peyton Manning doesn't.

Tony did not retire, he just learned not to let the suit control his life.

She was actually still on HIMYM when AoS started, and couldn't have become a regular until Season 2. By that point, Cap 2 had sent Hill to Stark.

And huge…tracts of land.

[Horses whinny]


I'm pretty sure her most famous role is Jackie on That 70's Show, which she was pretty good in.