
I think you mean Draco - Lucius was his father.

Hufflepuff also had Hannah Abbott.

Corner was Ginny's first boyfriend, and I'd say Ernie MacMillan was at about the same level as Seamus or Dean.

It was also a faster way to break up Cho and Harry than in the book.

Yep, and when Harry and Ginny first get together, it is certainly implied that they're going off to have sex. There are definitely other allusions to sex, some are just more subtle than others.

No, you're thinking of Samuel L. Jackson.

I'm actually surprised this movie even got this far. Making a movie about assassinating an actual, living foreign leader was a horrible idea. If it was about killing Putin instead of Kim Jong-Un, it would have been shut down months ago.

We don't know that his grandfather is Gabe Jones, people have just assumed that because they are both black.

There was a photo of a black guy, which some people assumed was BJ Britt. It's far more likely that it was Anthony Mackie (Falcon).

I think it's more likely that his grandfather was Dum Dum Dugan, who Koenig said would be pround of Trip.

Section 31 popped up in Enterprise, which should be the same in both universes.

And it was a big deal - Star Trek was back, with a much bigger budget, so they actually could show the Enterprise in all its glory.

Or a Khan/Spock/Kirk love triangle (you just know there's slash fic of this somewhere).

None of these are actually stories, they're just encyclopedia articles, wizarding sports articles, and one wizarding gossip column. Calling them short stories is incredibly inaccurate.

It's not a short story, it's an encyclopedia article.

Fun future fact, it will be.

Turk is Donald Faison

Downvoted for downvoting for the use of a hashtag

She didn't die.

From his point of view, he's not kidnapping her, he's rescuing her so she can be reunited with her father.