Professor Bananahot

Also, it's not like they should be unfamiliar with the concept of lying at this point.

It's just that she killed more people than Pol Pot and Comet Ping Pong combined

I saw on Scott Adams' Twitter feed that Marmaduke married Cathy after Nobama passed that marriage order.

Well, all those lawyers went to Heck…but that's not really commentary

Damn boxes!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Some of them, I assume, are good kidnap victims.

You mean Godfather: Part 💩?

Watching throwers do their thing is one of my favorite ways to kill time at the airport.

[ Alex Jones Rips Own Skin Off In Protest Of Zionist Bacon Bit Conspiracy ]


Oh, no.
I try as hard as I can to never hear him speak.

Yes, if anything we'll be thoroughly rinsed with a sudden deluge of 20 or so million people that love piss and always loved piss.

No, it's okay, it's deadly serious for all of the Orwellian reasons that come with it.
10/10 Trump will dub a place "Eastasia" before this is all over with

[Gore pukes on overhead projector; entire audience also starts puking]

LOL what climate change denier is gonna have all that money to see doctors, amirite?

It's weird to watch the movie now, and remember the absurd, inconsequential show that this once was.

And yet, when I remember episodes of South Park from my past, the only ones I remember at all are about little kids being dicks to each other, just like in real life.

Yeah, but Cartman is the biggest breakout character, so I think it kinda backfired

Bravo, encore, etc.