Professor Bananahot

I can't wait for it to be replaced by something that takes 30 seconds to open

Oh, it's not free, you'll have to pay him back sooner or later

It is, once you block almost everyone you know except for that one lady who posts cute pictures of kittens.

"If I lean over, I leave myself open to wedgies, wet willies, the dreaded rear-admiral, or worse yet, the blunch!"

I was gonna start using "drop a Drumpf" to describe a #2, but it was immediately sidelined by Blunch

Millennials are going to be such dicks to the Fidget Spinner generation or whatever the next one is

They were called Buckyballs, and boy were they ever banned, baby.

yeah, but the cha-ching!

that dance wasn't as safe as everyone said it was

Yeah, but we never had to witness that Jerry Lewis movie, unless it gets-
[reads Wikipedia page]
Oh, parts of it were released in 2016.

Are there boobs?

Get me Mike Pence's agent!

[bashfully eyes the top of a fire hydrant and licks his lips]

@Cognitive Decline

I've been using We Hate Movies to watch bad movies for me for years. Of all the bad-movie-casts, I think they do the best job of giving a recap.

And that's why next year's convention location is TBD between the Gowanus Econo Lodge or Lubbock, Texas.


Hold on a second, I just have to proofread my take on Darth Maul's thigh gap


At 0:58, you can juuuuuust make out the hardcore nudity