Professor Bananahot

that's exactly what an agent of the gummymint would offer to sting me

Yeah, but in that second one, you die whenever Netflix goes under.

I've heard that there's a subset of Moon Landing Deniers that now believe the Moon Landing happened, but the footage we saw on TV was fake.

I would also accept a violent thriller based entirely on Cal, as he stalks his victims through the bowels of a sinking ship.

Anything is dangerously radical if you don't let me in!


I just started digging into The Crabfeast, which has a catalog of hundreds of comedians and their bizarre stories. I saw Mark Normand at Doug Loves Movies a few weeks ago and thought I'd give his episode a try. Something ribald, no doubt! I'm home!

Yeah, it's just like doing an ollie. Everyone sprints to the back, jumps, then sprints to the front and jumps again. Didn't anybody else ride a bus growing up?

Why not both?
You could race 'em!

Yeah, it was a B- as per the review, but I maintain that Joke Repeaters are still capable of ruining movies that don't have jokes. They'll just pull jokes out of nothing!

What about joke-repeaters?
I was sitting next to two last week for Rough Night. Two!
Is there some kind of microwave gun invented yet that will gooify someone's insides without leaking any blood?

Rump merkin?
*looks in pants*
Oh, yes. Rump merkin.

Have cars landed on the Moon? And, if so, can they breathe in space, or do they wear spacesuits?

Come to think of it, blanketing the Middle East with brassieres isn't the worst plan we've enacted.

So when I go to a hotel that's not in Vegas, I'm supposed to….do stuff….at the hotel?

So…everyone's favorite version of Scooby-Doo is the fucked-up one realized by The Venture Bros., right?

It still bugs me that you never see Budd really do anything.
(unless, of course, that's the whole point)
Like, I guess he's an assassin with…super good hearing?

damnit I just remembered that thanks to this comment and it reduced me to a tearful fit!

Alien(s) Minute has returned! Endless minutiae about a very long movie with tons of deadmeat characters and SFX tricks will surely tidy up my commute for the rest of the year!