Professor Bananahot

How does a Xenomorph put a jimmyhat on? Is it over the whole head, like Howie Mandel?

That was a studio orphan riding on another studio orphan's shoulders!
NBC turned them into wig glue

All of these things have an infinite opened shelf life, right? Right?

I'm late, can I still get "cofveve?"
It's not like anyone will really notice

Is it funnier if he eats it on a gold toilet, or on a federal prison toilet?
Either way, he's dying on a metal toilet, which is still more exclusive than the plain porcelain toilet the rest of us get to die on.

*reads article*

Honestly, I kinda wish I had thought of it and could get a take.
Passive income, baby!

I mean, some of those parts are super hard to find in baby junkyards

They did no work and they believe it, for your scheme to work, you have to do negative work somehow. It's tough.

*stares directly at the sun for four minutes*
I dunno, it could be a hexagon

No, but given enough time, it could turn into something as aggravating to our day-to-day encounters with wacky religion dictating every aspect of our lives.

[RVJ angrily pounds on table]

sigh It's a video?
Somebody get over here and list these please!

Overheard In A Robo-Nursing Home, 2066:
"They're not allowed to listen to the Foo Fighters. It angries up the blood!"

I believe that's how the Planet Of The Apes got dawned!

No, and here's the kicker: neither will you and I.
*distant thunder rumbles*

The trailer felt like it was five minutes long, when it was probably only 90 seconds or so.
That's never good.

I dunno, you have to take classes and shit, ah fvck it

But only after hundreds of movie patrons laugh at it.

Prefrontal Cortex? LIBRULLLLLL