Professor Bananahot

There's a great gallery somewhere of every cable channel's "BREAKING NEWS" icon blasting over some dipshit fluff piece. It would be great comedy if we weren't all so sad and scared and angry all the time.

This is considerably more "real" than I was prepared to give it credit for, and yet…thbbt

Well, that is where it comes out

I'm like 95% sure Tucker Max or Maddox wrote this in the mid-2000s somewhere.

Would it all go away though?
I have a hard time believing that there's any course of action she could have taken to not have her mild rudeness BLOW UP ON NATIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA.
For all we know, even if she didn't text, he'd still be suing her for not putting out.

It's the "Puerto Rican Day" episode, which doesn't air in syndication.

Thirty. Fucking. Seven.

Sometimes they stab you if the gun is further away

I think I've been to enough virgin conventions to know how to spell Vezmar.

The part where he continues to involve this bad date in his life instead of just getting on with it.

She started it!

He also prefers to submerge himself in hot, sexy mud

There's this divide where people from 1981-1984 wanna call it: "The Oregon Trail Generation", which is such a Millennial thing to think up.

A few weeks ago I was laying shit on the Todd Glass Show for being too self-indulgent, but I wanted to check in on it and see if had cohered a little, since hey, I like Pepitone. It was really a lot of fun, I should download it more frequently.

The titular Venture Bros. age throughout the show's run.
Although, they don't really learn very much.

You can be Kylo too, just get a Sharpie and fill in that little e there

…T100, F150, and let's not forget Hardbody.

What, you never have floppy sex?

No, you're thinking of the Last Ship… I think…I'm not sure

Is Michigan one of those places where all the state tourism ads are only aired in the state?