Professor Bananahot


Now imma fvck this mountain
And she just bleached her Jackson Hole
And I get bleach on my T-shirt
Imma look like a…uh……uh…Jackson Hole

I tell you hwut

It's okay to take a break and have a melody every once in a while, shit

Cramming butter into holes is our finest tradition and cultural export!
It is usually the mouth though, lest you be accused of being unpatriotic

I like the Fifth Element, but I just now realized it could be my favorite movie if there was a scene where Leeloo slaps Bruce Willis until he cries

especially if he repeatedly punctuates it with: "CHOO CHOO MUTHAFVCKA"

What's the name of that algorithm/technique somebody invented to always know the perfect amount to fast-forward a Youtube video? It was named after some nerd

The Todd Glass Show was once the darling of Podmass, but man I just can't even. I love Todd Glass, but yeesh. Though, to be fair, I have not tried it in a few months. Maybe it's cohered in the meanwhile.

"Do I get a suit, since I'm the only one who technically finished this rite of passage?"

Right? It's not like we all don't have auxiliary screens within easy reach.

I've never been more happy (or fortunate) to have maintained my years-long ban of 24-hour news networks crossing my field of vision.

Agreed - there's some amazing sci-fi concepts in those latter movies to piece together, with some patience. But it was never going to go over well in theatres.

He's not a monster! There's a stack of original Game Boys to wipe with!

This week on the Flophouse! Dan sounds like hasn't slept in days!
Poor guy
I enjoyed this aside-heavy episode because holy hell there is nothing to talk about in Assassin's Creed

Seconded for That Awful Sound - if you're 32, it's like leisurely strolling through a museum of your youth while laughing at the world's stupidest Youtube comments.

1. Is the Millenium Falcon in it?
2. Okay, twelve bucks

2 things, rich tapestry, etc.

The Silent generation?!?!?
Somebody tell that to Gramps and his Yahoo! account

I do the same thing, but I like to pretend-squeeze an orange in my free hand. It conjures a smell that reminds me of Florida!