Professor Bananahot

Now help me find an olive oil that isn't bullshit!

Eh, it turns out the aisle is really more of a torus.

The trailer, but longer?

The A.V. Club

Dear Abby,

Is Pete and Pete available anywhere? I have only the faintest memories of that show from it's original run, but it's become super interesting to hear about 20 years later as a show before its time.

I'm not gonna watch it, but do you think they waited until that square, gray "Play" button was into the moustache zone on purpose?

The novelization for Home Alone 2, for example, starts with Marv having a nightmare that Kevin is going to drop a running lawnmower on top of him. I read a lot of weird novelizations as a kid.

*Rob Reiner bugs his eyes out and pratfalls*

The problem is that none of these videos show what happens to something expensive and tacky when subjected to a nuclear blast.

Ohhh that's what that is

He always reminds me of newscasters after a plane crash - what they're saying is serious and tragic, but you can still feel just a little smile leaking through. They're loving it.

A cube's features are too dignified, too sharp.

Since when does providing facts curb an argument?

You know, this is the only thing with Trump's name on it that I would like to have as a souvenir of these times.

"What about blow?"
- Trump, five minutes before the second debate

A massive bounty* is in order for anyone who can develop an algorithm to turn Youtube videos back into a scrollable list of pictures.

So is Soundcloud too cool for volume control, or what's the fvcking deal with this thing

/kicks the AVC Headline Bot

Keanu goes into the cockpit and messes with it, but I think the movie is trying to tell you that it's so shot to shit that none of the knobs and buttons work.