Professor Bananahot

Speed's third act is it's worst, but it has the two action movie moments that make me laugh every time:
1. "I'm taller"
2. "I'm gonna get you, Jack! AAAAAAaaaaaaaaa" *runs offscreen*

From Mexico, no less!

Is that the one where an old billionaire is haunted by spooky nightmares of the People's Car?

Barely suppressed laughter is the funniest kind of laughter.

but female dog tho
/starts new petition to get a dictionary for the White House


No, this MSPaint drawing of a frog has equal aesthetic cachet.

No, they turned it down

Money? Oh my, no.
They'll be lucky to get a ride home.

No, it's too far.
Stick to venomous spiders, playing baseball.

"Seven Languages" by Camper Van Beethoven

"Ugh…too much pork!," her caricature says.

If little else, let the legacy of 2016 be that there's no longer such a thing as waiting 'for your turn.'

The A.V. Club doesn't like me.
Even my easiest comments here have to get approved.

Hey everybody! I brought guacamole!

When I see the third act of this movie I am always astounded that it's not the most expensive (inflation-adjusted) movie ever made.

This is great.
Please release it to the public so I can make it write songs about Sonic The Hedgehog

El mismo como cada ano: Aprende Espanol!

There's a nice realism to the criminals/villains, too.
I think they're all exactly as inept and deranged as true criminals often are. There's no unstoppable, perhaps demonic evil of Anton Chigurh or Sheriff Cooley - just Lundergaard having no idea of how to embezzle money and Showalter having no idea of how to kidnap

I enjoyed Dana's latest too, and try to stay positive on guys like Mike Murphy maybe being a right-leaning voice of sanity (though this podcast is the only thing I know him from). Still though - this was one DGH episode that actually felt a bit short and meek compared to the rest, and it probably won't ever get a