Professor Bananahot

Yeah, but the music!
I realized later in life that I really only liked Sonic CD for the music.
Also, I forgot if it was the Japanese or American version music that I liked.

Yeah, but which Burning Airlines CD got purged? Because if it's Mission: Control! up yours.

Get a brain! morans

I think that's exactly where and how I stopped playing. According to many other posters on this thread, this was a mistake.

Never be ashamed! Those games have my favorite world architecture and sci-fi design of all time…but the Library is just dark and brown and dark. Took all my joy out of inspecting these immense structures.

This is a movie that I always think is watchable, but then a podcast reminds me of enough forgotten scenes to remember how fuggucking LONG it is.

It's probably on par with jet fuel in terms of calories.

Is Jessica's fantastic Volvo Amazon wagon being replaced? That's the best character on the show!

Hot dog! We have a weiner!

Yeah, he was fine. It's not his fault he was reading kid lines written by a babyman. No kid was going to get away clean from a movie where he exclaims: "Yippee!"


Orlando Jones and the Legend of the Seven Ups?

I did the same with Force Awakens. Opening day, left work early, went to a theater in the suburbs, and had a great time.

On the plus side, it looks like Raphael ditched the Oakleys.

Moe is their leader.

You and I are Flopposites! I've gone through the WHM catalog numerous times, but I really need to sit down for a long journey through the early adventures of the Flophouse.

Tonight: I find out if I've seen My Best Friend's Wedding or not! I feel like I might have, but I could be thinking of 14 or 15 other movies.

Churchill would get drunk and tell them to everybody.

My favorite band of all time…and yet, I do admit: I neither know nor care what any of these songs are about. It's entirely down to raucous noise and unlimited energy.

The A.V. Club
We all had a good laugh, even though I didn't quite understand it.