Professor Bananahot

This is now the best response to anyone complaining about gender/racial casting choices.

Is anyone still attempting to summit the Todd Glass Show? Back when it was regularly featured in Podmass I tuned in weekly, but in the last year it became increasingly nonsensical and self-indulgent. I tried again last week because I enjoy Jen Kirkman, but I couldn't get through more than ten minutes. Am I not holding

This is my favorite scene that Family Guy has ever done.

Not Another, even in parody, still makes a better teen movie than full-fledged teen movies! My wife and I watched snippets of American Pie on TV last weekend and it's essentially a two-hour SVU first act.

/cue zombie breakdancing

Yeah, I usually see most movies QT has made more than once (though I'm still missing AVClub favorite Jackie Brown and AVClub not-so-favorite Death Proof), but I'm certain that the 8 is never getting a replay. Other than the awesome music, it really has no coolness or slickness to counterbalance all the grim death.

Yes, that should stick.

I fell ten thousand feet onto a pile of jagged rocks! Course, people were tougher back then…

You've gotta splinter that movie…everyone always complains about the Ewoks, but Luke's final fight with Vader is easily my favorite moment in this whole thing.

So did she die, or what? I liked her, and she was this movie's only hope of passing the Bechdel test.

How soon is too soon to start the needless ranking? Movies that superficially remind me of Star Wars included:

Han's collection of octopus monsters really dialed up the CGI factor, but that scene was fun (or nightmare fuel) in spite of it. Seriously, those things make the Rancor look like a kitten.

I'm glad someone else was a little put off by the editing. It's okay to have a static shot every once in a while, just to take in the scale of the megastructures you're looking at. The Jakka scenes handled scale really well; the Starkiller interior scenes, not so much. I spent a lot of time not really knowing what

I didn't expect Pixels to set the world on fire, but man, I at least thought: "Hey, maybe I'll watch this on Netflix when I'm hungover." Based on the reviews, I guess I'd have more fun being hungover and watching The Fugitive like always.

You talking to me?

I've been waiting years for "Skinner's Sense of Snow" to get its fair slaps, almost entirely because of the animal reaction shot.

Homer writing "A+" on a piece of trash and sticking it on the fridge is #1 in my list of "Cleverest things Homer has ever done." Then he immediately falls into a pile of garbage.

Ix nay on the ash-hole tray!

Played it, loved it!

Architect here, pleased to tell you that we don't know anything about it either (the occupation [also squash]).