Professor Bananahot

"Sometimes a cigar is just a dick in a box." ~ Freud

Phone Games Thread
What are you playing on the toilet these days? I'm out of variants of Pixel Dungeon, which is free and great.

Not pictured: a portal to the THIRD DIMENSION bla hey.

How much responsibility does David Schwimmer have for The Pallbearer? I keep thinking about that movie in the same "wish-I-was-The-Graduate" context.

I didn't really get critical on it either, I must have been entranced by Maya Rudolph again.

It becomes tolerable if you drink a lot and try to parrot all of the characters' lines in Alan Rickman's voice.

I kinda feel like this is the mid-level celebrity's reward for dabbling in Twitter, though. Daniel Radcliffe said something about it on WTF that I really liked, crudely paraphrasing: Somebody points out a door in a hallway and says: "Don't go in there, if you go in there everybody will just talk shit about you." You

Aw man….I forgot how frustrating that was.

The delivery guy can barely hear him because Josh is also wearing a Jacuzzi suit.

I'm honestly hoping the new movie is just 95% "Millennium Falcon zipping away from explosions."

I still enjoy it, but man is my finger is poised over the fast-forward key for the DiCaprio impression, Lil' Ghost Girl, Dalek, etc. I still like them more than Everything's Coming Up Podcast's non-stop laughing, The Simpsons Show Podcast's awkward nerdiness, or Jerks From Tower One's trip to the Mystery Spot.

I loved it when the Predator shot a plasma bolt through Santa Claus' chest.

/Frink beats up Disqus machine/

I already did!

I'm gonna dox that guy,
I'm sure in years he'll feeeel fiiiiiiiiiine

Speaking of Bond, We Hate Movies gave an all-time great episode to Never Say Never Again. You'll never enjoy cold Burger King the same way again.

Wow, how does it keep up with the news like that?

…to recharge fire extinguishers, now this is a free service provided by the fire department-

Related to SNL, my parents have informed me that I was terrified Toonces the Cat was going to drive our car off a cliff.

It's why I really can't get into any movie involving high school. That scene is coming, and I just. don't. want it.