
Wha? Oh right! In the game.

I will probably continue to play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. I am about 1/3 of the way through, and I have to say, I am enjoying the game. I don't like the comments about how doing good things makes people weak, but that is mostly due to the lack of evidence provided in the game. Not due to the

In Circles is a very close second pick. I have a hard time deciding between them.

I have to go with Transistor. The whole soundtrack is absolutely amazing, but if I picked only one track I would go with The Spine. That song just makes me feel so cool.

Zoidberg: "Gracias", the deadpan way Billy West delivers this line makes me laugh every single time.
Fry: "Way to overact, Zoidberg!"

I just started playing FFXIII-2. So far the game is beautiful. It seems to run fairly well on my laptop, and I really love the updates to the combat system. This weekend is also my D&D group meeting, so I will be DMing a group of 10 or so people. Last time went pretty well, mostly due to me letting people discuss

What an amazing article @CNightwing:disqus! Great Job updating us about this amazing board gaming conference! I haven't ever been to any sort of thing like this, but it really sounds very interesting. Especially the Swedish Parliament game.

Target in my area started selling Mint Chocolate milk. I might join you in sugar induced comas.

Well…my mother passed away 8 years ago yesterday, I do understand the bleakness of this season.

The holidays are definitely a time to get depressed, but don't worry to much. We are all infinitesimal specks on an infinitesimal speck in a vast universe and what not.

I have never liked decorating for the holidays. My wife loves doing so. She goes NUTS with the tree and this year was no different. I completely understand this sentiment.

It is time for Professor Farnsworth's Question-o-Rama!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, had a cheat built in where, whenever you killed someone, they burst into an insane amount of tires. I 'accidentally' turned this mode on during one of the harrowing sniper missions and couldn't stifle my giggling. For such a self serious game, having that option really made everything

This is one of the best reviews of Alpha Sapphire I have ever read!

That is something that really makes Valiant Hearts so incredible. The story is great, and I really tried my best to find everything due to the neat bursts of history. Thank you for sharing that!

This was a very well written article! I really haven't spent much time on the Sims, but I probably will now.

I would suggest going for Anders ONLY IF you support him. He is really easy to stumble into romance wise, and if you don't follow him exactly, things might not end well.

I never really had any problems with tactics. I only really looked at them if I noticed a problem.

Me too! I love how 5e is turning out. I really like it so far.

Dragon Age 2, is definitely more inviting due to much less weapons and armor management. The combat is usually good, and everything works out pretty well.