
This is a very insightful comment.

I have really enjoyed the Witcher Series. It has been a very detailed world, full of adventure, and Gwent. I love the depth of gameplay as well as the improved changes that this expansion has provided. This is one of the few games that pushed me to look into the source material (or any extra material). The books

This is made even worse, when as an adult, you don't spend 5 hours at a time playing. Then it feels much longer and Ciri is just this fabled person. I have played for 30 hours, and I still haven't visited Skellige…Ciri will never be found at this rate.

Dark Souls 2. I have started and stopped quite a few times, but I get the feeling that this time has really sunk in to me. The game has a hidden depth and beauty that I really dig, but didn't get the first few times that I played it. It seems very much like a person or book. It takes some time to get used to and

Eh? Wha? But What if I had invented the Double Thing-Longer? Would it fold my sweaters?

So, I am more of a take your time and screw around sort of player. I enjoy the fact that games can let me take as long as I want, especially since I usually work in situations where I can't do that.

It is time for Professor Farnsworth's Question-o-Rama!

I have played Dark Souls 2 on my PC before. I haven't really liked the screen shots and videos I have seen of Bloodborne. I just felt that DS2 was the game that couldn't get out of my mind. Does that make sense?

Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp. Goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some kind of cruel muslin. And the cute little pom-pom pull ropes, cruel though they may be…

I read a classic knight is noob friendly. I want to try Miracles as well so I think I will try and balance a melee and faith based character who likes to hurl lightning when far away and smash things when up close.

My list in no particular order:

This week, I have been preparing to leave my old job for a new one that starts on Monday, so I have been to busy to watch SGDQ, but I plan on watching some of the weekend stuff.

If you wanted to scratch a CRPG itch, you could try Pillars of Eternity. It was created by a large chunk of the people who did Planescape: Torment, and is more of a streamlined CRPG experience. I found it to be fairly good, and it is on GOG as well.

Samantha, this is one of the best articles I have ever read about professional Magic players. I haven't really played magic, and only have a few friends who do, but this sounds like quite an interesting hobby. Thank you for writing this!

It's a death clock not a prom limousine!

This is a great comment, thank you for making it!

I don't really have much advise for which path to take, but if you do dark make sure you choose a force mage. That will make the first ~6 hours rather challenging, but the rest of the game you will become the god of destruction.

So, I have the problem of looking at my games and just debating with myself whether to play them or not and then looking at the clock and noticing that I spent 10-15 minutes just staring at the list of games that I own and wondering at the possibilities. I just don't know how to manage that habit of mine.

Good Luck! I am in pretty much the same boat. Hope everything works out for you.

This week has been quite a good discussion.