
I am extremely grateful for finding a D&D group. I had been looking for a long time, and to find one that works with my schedule is terrific.

This sounds a lot like they turned the best parts of smash bros. and make them even better. Nice write up as well!

What an amazing article! I love this game and the artwork. Nick you never cease to amaze with these articles.

Thank you very much for the advice. I will have to do that.

I have been watching the Witcher board game with some cautious optimism. I think the series could do with some interesting stories told by avid fans.

It is time for Professor Farnsworth's Question-o-Rama!

After all the hype and the raving reviews from @Fluka:disqus and @Merve2:disqus, I decided to buy Dragon Age: Inquisition. I played an hour of it, and realized that the game is BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately, my laptop has the graphics equivalent of an XBOX 360, so I will be looking at shiny, plastic hair for a while. I

Damn. Seeing this review made me purchase this. I don't really have the time, but I really, really, really want to play this. Why @Fluka:disqus WHY?!? This game looks sooooo good.

What a great article! I really enjoyed the pictures as well as the cars.

There really aren't any games that explore the vast culture and history of South East Asia. I personally would like to see more video games that explore areas like Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, ect. There is so much really interesting history and beautiful architecture that I think a very good exploration game

"You go lying in a ditch and they go declaring you this and that"

Oh my!

Looking in my library: Kindom of Amalur could use a prequel. I think that the game was bland, but the idea of fate and knowing that no matter what you are bound to a predetermined fate could do very well with a prequel. It would also be pretty interesting to see if there could be some way to talk about the human

This weekend hopefully I will get a few minutes to play Final Fantasy XIII. I am in Chapter 9 of 13 which I would estimate makes me about 60% complete, since I hear that in a little bit I will be able to start exploring a whole new world. I have been pretty enthralled by this game and I really enjoy it.

This is a well crafted response that I think sums up everything. I would love to see Square Enix make all their previous titles available for Steam, and then continue making games that evoke final fantasy like ideas. Bravely Default was okay, but I think they can keep up the work and do better.

I met a sound engineer who would disappear for about an hour every day into a sound proofed room he built in his garage. He LOVED being in a very quiet place just to think.

"We never go to Ravenholm" is one of the scariest levels I have ever played.

I get scared easily in games. Extremely easily, but the scariest non-scary game moment for me has to be…Dragon Age. I had been playing the game for a few hours, but then some zombies/dead people rose and I just wasn't expecting it. I panicked and shot a few too many fireballs, most of my party died.

I have literally screamed during Mass Effect and the sequels. The husks just scare me so easily. Overloard as @PaganPoet:disqus describes is also pretty creepy. I was always expecting something, but it still got me.

It is time for Professor Farnsworth's Question-O-Rama!.