
That is no fun at all. Alistair always seemed to be an all or nothing kind of character. He either really liked you or hated your guts. If you want there will come a time that you can really make him pissed at you, but I'll leave that up to you.

You can either have one person use a job as a white mage, and use default during a few stages to heal everyone (I believe there is a way to use the spells to heal everyone at the same time) and have one person be a knight to defend the white mage. Then you can have the rest of the team beat the living snot out of the

That sucks. I hope everything works out.

Happy Birthday! Many happy returns! *slides closes head in jar to Girard*

I will be playing Final Fantasy XIII. I have played 8 hours or so and I love it. The game is down right beautiful and plays very well on my computer. The story is mostly just JRPG drivel so far, and I don't expect that to change, but I really enjoy the main characters.

I can understand your cynicism. I do think that the video game industry has issues that need to be tackled. I do not think that Anita Sarkeesian is being an "angry group". Personally, I think that she is merely giving observations and that there are creative opportunities with many different genders being involved,

Then there will have to be a DLC for "recently broken up/impoverished" where all you see is your ex going on lavish vacations.

I don't quite understand. You seem to be implying that everyone who is in the video game industry is killing the video game industry. Evidence of the recent sales indicate that this is not the case. In fact, I would argue that the video game industry is growing and will continue for quite a while.

How are Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn ruining the video game industry?

Damn! You just created a multi-billion dollar addition to Facebook. I would love to have a difficulty slider to determine how hard I want to challenge my emotions.

Thank you!

Good point. I will edit my response. Thanks for the input.

Okay. We need to take a step back and calm down.

Woah there hitler!

Hmmm…are you being sarcastic? Because I thought having my eyes splashed with Nitric acid and being forced to breath Nitrogen Dioxide (which is very much like drowing) was the worst thing ever.

I can't sleep and right now I am currently in a discussion about gamergate as well. It will be okay. Rational thought will persist for a bit longer than emotional thought. Spock will vouch for me. *Jiggles Leonard Nemoy's head in a jar*

My research project has been collecting data, but my advisor just suggested that I may not have been looking at the data carefully enough to see errors. I spent about 70 hours last week on it, and about 30 so far this week.

You new avatar picture is AWESOME!

*Runs quickly to laptop, scans comments…Damn foiled again!*

What a week! I will most likely be playing Final Fantasy XIII. I only have played 20 minutes of it, but so far it seems very pretty and will be enjoyable. Neverwinter Nights 2 will get thrown in there as well. I rerolled a character (which has to happen two or three times for me to get the right start), and I am