
Thank you for the heads up!

If you like Terranigma, you should really try Illusion of Gaia. It is unabashedly, my favorite game of all time. Terranigma is the third game in the series.

That is a very good, reasonable argument about this subject. Thank you!

All I can say is YES!

Shepard needed her/his Mo-ped or perhaps, her/his folding bicycle for that part.

My apologies for quickly brushing aside your remark. I absolutely love this site and all the articles. That being said, I still think that you aren't really giving "negative feedback", it seems to me that you are just making a comment about the writing without giving any real feedback. It's more along the line of

Yet you had the time to write a comment? Why? If you want to be a troll…be better. If you have a meaningful dissent to the article, work harder at making your argument better.

This was a tremendous article. I enjoyed Chrono Trigger and found the community of Truce to be wonderful. Especially seeing all the small changes that the time travel made possible.

I always found the Normandy of Mass Effect to do a great effect for home. The whole universe was burning, but I had somewhere to go to "relax" and "prepare" for the next mission. I could discuss with my shipmates what a messed up situation was going on.

I am fairly late to this…but I really hate that breast cancer awareness month is during the same month as domestic violence awareness month. I find that the pink being splashed everywhere is absolutely repulsive, and no one is talking about all the neat research or lack thereof that is going on. While very few

I really want to get to those, but I want to finish the official campaign first.

I always enjoyed single player games where you can either cheer the less experienced player on or give hints. Then if the player gets frustrated the more experienced player can join in for a bit.

Normally yes, but he is out this week for a well needed vacation.

*Sends Bender on a Hit, he uses money to go gambling instead*
Well…I am a grad student, but I plan on just staring blankly at microscopes for the rest of my life. I need money, for experiments.

It could be possible that "those overpayed tenured layabouts", aren't the ones who are needing the money, but the college education system is vastly underfunded. Just about half of all college professors are non tenured adjuncts who are underpayed and overworked.

What a great article! I love that video games can use the interaction of the user to challenge perception of the player. This is a great example of how a game can make the "fourth wall" more permeable than movies. Although there can be some great attempts, I do think that video games have a greater potential at

This was an excellent write up and I am excited to see these games come out. Especially Headspace. I am intrigued by a game that makes psychological trauma a factor for people in accomplishing a task.


This was a terrific write up. I am excited to see the fifth edition develop and perhaps I might get some time to play it.

My wife isn't very interested in video games. When I picked up Threes and started playing, she say these smiling iphone looking items and just couldn't resist helping. She has since surpassed me in skill and still plays it regularly.