
You are technically correct sir. The best kind of correct.

Congratulations on nearly being done with grad school. Ahem…Get back to work!!

I think John was sighing heavily when he was writing the article, I really want that to count.

Good luck with your Curling match!

I will hopefully get a few hours of Shadowrun Returns. Lately, I have been playing the game of hide the mouse from my son. He seems fascinated by it.

I also want to thank Matt for the article. I really enjoyed it!

Is the hairy eyeball some sort of award. If so, that is one great award trophy!

It is time for Professor Farnsworth's Question-o-Rama!

Yes, yes, but I'll kill my crew. I spend too much time doing physics calculations in my head. I want guilt free explosions!

True, and the ability to rain fiery death with missiles was also great too.

I am not sure at all what I will play this weekend. I have had one of those weeks from hell and I want something that is easy, fun, and sciency. I might just get back into blowing things up with my mind in my playthrough of Mass Effect 2, but then again, I might just restart and create a new mage for Skyrim.

For mods…I found that Steam has a good list of recommended mods that worked for me. There is also a ton of other sites that have lists as well that help.

I like that outlook. It makes sense and works very well.

That sounds like a great victory for you. I didn't get that chance, but I did get to watch the world burn. Bender also got in on the action. Fry too, but he fell asleep during the last part.

That is so much better than the backstory I created for my character. He seemed to be a wandering Thor looking to fight any wild creature to a bloody pulp just to make sure it looked great.


If you need me I'll be in the ANGRY DOME!

It's time for Professor Farnsworth's Question-o-Rama!

I am starting to wonder how Amazon will be paying for all the things they are trying to do.