
This feature is just one of the best features on all of the AVClub. Thank you for keeping this up!

I finished my qualifying exams and I have a free weekend! I want to finish Legend of Dragoon. I try to play every year, but the problem I encounter is that I get super busy due to classes and such.

Congratulations! I hope your teaching job goes very well!

I am excited to watch this! Also, Dragon Riders of Pern!!. I love that book and am glad to see that reference!

This was such a well written article. I had a blast at my local Medieval fair. It would be fun to try this.

I enjoy grinding. I am not a person to grind an insane amount, but if the grind seems reasonable and attainable I will gladly grind for a few extra hours to get that shiny new spear.

I have been playing Legend of Dragoon and having only 32 items really makes me not hoard at all. I make sure I use every item I need, and then keep space for all the attack items I want. Somehow having an inventory that is larger makes me less likely to use items.

Neverwinter Nights 2 almost always goes on sale during GOG sales. If you want the best sale game you will ever buy this year, NWN2 will be the one.

That is probably the worst language I have ever experienced. I hope your migraine goes away as well. Just looking at that documentation has cured me of all complaining forever. I thought fortran76 was going to be my worst experience. I don't want to learn ROOT no more…

Those hats need to all be collected and have a fireball thrown at them all. They are so tasteless and tacky.

Now I will forever fear the metal versions of all characters.

So…someone who looks completely down trodden and depressed or someone with a third nipple?

That is a great idea. I'll take that route the next time I have a chance.

Thank you Fluka and Mr. Martini and the rest of the Gameological people for making Gameological great!

It's time for Professor Farnsworth's Question o'rama (I'm still working on the name)

Neverwinter Nights 2 is unbelievably awesome. I can't understand why I don't recommend it right away. It is a wonderful game!

I like python. I had to use it for my graphing during my undergrad program and it was very effective and wonderfully easy.

You could try Baldur's Gate if you like RPG games that are more Bioware and extremely universe building. I also recommend Divinity: Original Sin, @giggitygooballs:disqus recommends. It is a fun game and really makes "role playing" a priority.

I usually don't mind Matlab, but the problem that I usually experience is the overhead Matlab insists on having. It takes too long for my program to run due to the crap Matlab decided was VITAL to have. Luckily there was a lot of help to assist in fixing my issue.

I was in the same boat. I HATE Windows updates, especially since the last few I have had, changed some of my personal settings or created some strange bugs. Windows 8.1 really made me dislike the whole thing again. My laptop just decided to slow EVERY action down because it thought I mysteriously started some