
My preorder of Valiant Hearts has finally been done, and I am really enjoying the game. It is very well done. I like the art style and enjoy the puzzles. (They aren't too hard, and not too easy either). The story is really sad, and it has made me cry just about every time. I think the game gets even better due to

I am also very, very excited for Divinity: OS (is that what we want to call it?). I have played the beta for a while, and LOVED it. Do you mind if I steal the hashtag? I like it.

YNAB has been one of the best "Spurious" purchases of my steam sales. I love the program, but that is due to the lazy nature of my budgeting ways.

"So sayeth the geologist", should be your catch phrase from now one. You really need that one. I like it.

Add that to a "Historical Exploration" game we were talking about a month ago and we have ourselves an edutaiment EMPIRE!!!

This is a well written article. It brings up the feelings I have whenever I experience "emptiness". Usually during the winter in the snow, when everyone is a sleep and everything is quiet, I get the feeling and the experience of emptiness. I am glad to have heard about this game, and that it seems to have the same

In other news…the Indy 500 was today, there were no survivors.

I also wanted to say this, but you said it first. I guess that I'll send you Bender and my drinking/partying teeth!

Thank you so very much for doing the Murder Report. I like the morbid tone that it brings to E3. Also, there are too many actual murders in the world…2.4 video game murders per minute compared to a calculated 180 deaths in the world per minute.

Where do I put my money for the horror chess game?

Emulators are the wave (!) of the future. Also, I would love to see you try and hook up a NES to a college AV setup. THAT would teach me more about topology than all my physics education combined.

You could get away with describing a mobius strip using excitebike. Thinking about it a little bit (I only have a very, very small amount of knowledge of topology from Topological insulators) the excitebike track could be made to form a mobius strip.

If this doesn't make it to comment cat. I just want to say…it really, really should! Just to show those spam bots what is what!

This feature is one of the best features of E3! I am so very glad and happy that Gameological still does this. Thank you so very much for keeping up with this feature!

These questions are definitely the ones that needed to be asked. The early access question is essential. Especially since so many games are starting with that route now. I really like this developers answers and I miss the murder report.

You used the word Topology! I approve of this!

I really like your reply. I think that it is well thought out and very well written. I think that what I want to see in gaming culture is more maturity. More shades of gray…not boooobs and death. Whenever I think of a "core gamer" I inevitably think of a 15 yr. old who is still into soft core porn and swearing for

That dungeon can be a bit troublesome, but with a bit of perseverance it works out okay.

For me, my muscle memory game has been Dragon Age II. Lately I have been trying a new character in Mass Effect 2. I am enjoying being a biotic do gooder and having a lovely time trying to woo Garrus.