
I am sorry to hear about the bank issues. I hope that gets resolved quickly.

I would gladly give up my whole collection of wires for just one pin. Can I have a pin now?

This is a very well reasoned question. I really like it and think it should be asked and wanted to make a comment as well as a like to make doubly sure that was the case.

If you were stuck on an Island with only one item from your game what would it be?

I would love to see Zone of the Enders 3. One of the great games of my childhood.

What food does your game pair with most? or best what ever floats these high brow developers

Sounds Great! Where do you take my money?

While you have valuable and appreciable input. I do think that the whole point of a game imitating GTA is a problem. I think there are plenty of games like that. I think the main problem pointed out by John Teti was that there really were novel idea, but that they weren't applied enough. I also think that

I always enjoyed this feature in Gameological and am glad that you are including broader topics for the AV Club! Keep up the fantastic work!!

OH MY! I have the same problem with Cubert as well!

That would be difficult to explain to authority figures. It was "totally just a game until someone was cheating and shoved everyone off the cliff together" and "He was being a Bowser and breathed fire when the kitchen caught fire!"

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about Crusader Kings II on the Gameological Steam Game Revue Club. I recently started thinking about how cool this game would be as a slightly different version of a board game. You could have a couple of people trying political intrigue and hoping to have a dynasty, all

You have to grok it properly or else your doing it wrong.

I love this article! The pictures are great, and the snacks look tasty/disgusting.

That makes sense. Having a vision and sticking to it is really important for making a clear story. I also get the feeling that really big games don't take as many risks as they used to. Is that accurate or just wrong?

I wonder why really large budget games take such novel concepts like Watch Dogs and execute them so poorly. What do you think Gameologicians?

I really like your reply. I think that you hit a major point I wanted to say. Many more really big games should be better due to their budgets. Since Indie games are so much smaller in budget and scope, they usually get more leeway due to their game not having as much resources to work with.

Merely most. The other 2% are about exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life, ect.

Congratulations! Many happy returns!

Finals just finished for me, with a grueling 4.5 hour exam. I'll be spending the next few days being a vegetable. For this weekend, I hope to spend some more time playing Divinity: Original Sin. I really suck at this game so far. I keep dying in a most gruesome manor, the last time being by a boss that can